Parent Q&A: Current Questions Open for Responses

Click on a question below to post a response.  If you'd like to receive the weekly Parent Q&A newsletter, which contains all new questions and responses from the past week, click 'my account' and edit your account to adjust which newsletters you receive.

Activities & Events & Places To Go

State Camping Reservation Frustration (5 responses)
Inexpensive Spaces for Weekly Meeting 8-14 people (8 responses)
Wedding Venues, and Caterers (8 responses)
Jarana / Spanish Music lessons (1 response, 1 pending)
Seasonal youth ski programs (Bear Valley vs Tahoe) (0 responses, 3 pending)
Staying Near Vancouver with Extended Family (0 responses)
Multipurpose Room Rentals? (11 responses)
recent reviews of Cabo resorts (5 responses)

Childcare & Preschool Advice

Full-time nanny rates vs occasional babysitter for one child (1 response, 1 pending)
Looking for some recent feedback on Keystone Sandpiper class (0 responses, 1 pending)
Oakland preschools with flexibility on nap time? (8 responses)
PT nanny wants federal holidays off with pay. Normal? (9 responses)
Afterschool care for Kensington Hilltop (3 responses)
Small preschool for introverted 3-yo (3 responses)

Classes & Camps & Groups & Tutors

Seeking A Good Chemistry Tutor (0 responses)
Summer camp for teen who loves bass guitar (0 responses)
Summer Art camp for high-school teens (1 response)
gymnastics camp: Cal vs Head over Heels (0 responses)
Current Reviews for ID Tech Camp (1 response)
Advice on Oakland Town+Swim at Golden Gate? (0 responses)
Q for recent campers at Art Discovery Camp at Frances Albrier? (1 response, 1 pending)
Summer Camps Mixed Age Groups (3 responses)
9th Grade Spanish Tutor Needed (1 response)
Camp Adamah review (0 responses)
Hip Wah Summer Program (0 responses)
Summer Camp Recommendations for Cooking/Drawing/Music (1 response)
Seeking summer camp for 4 year old T-ball (0 responses)
Summer Comp Sci Program for Rising Senior (0 responses)
Avid 4 Adventure recent reviews? (0 responses)
Summer Camp 2025 for 5 year old (4 responses)
Aftercare University on Solano? (0 responses)
Seeking Weekend Archery Class for Parent + kid (4 responses)
Town camp reviews? (4 responses)

Community & Housing & Work

Summer rentals (8 responses)

Family & Relationships

Cross-cultural apology? (13 responses)

Health & Wellness

IUD for Teen with bad period cramps (0 responses)
Kaiser Pediatrician who supports extended breastfeeding? (0 responses, 13 pending)
Hairstylist recommendation for pixie cut (1 response, 7 pending)
holistic minded dentist (0 responses)
Cost of Invisalign? (5 responses)
Podiatrist Recommendation (3 responses)
Hypoallergenic sheets and bedding? (12 responses)
neurodiverse-affirming pediatrician? (4 responses)
Autism assessment that is covered by insurance? (6 responses)
dad seeking therapist (0 responses)
Oakland summer camps, diabetes (0 responses)
Need surgery on foot- need surgeon recomendation- (1 response)

House & Garden

New House Blessing Ceremony? (0 responses)
Concrete walkway repair (1 response)
looking for a shelf building handyperson (2 responses)
Mid-century modern design/build consultation (0 responses)
Owner renovation permit for kitchen? (0 responses)
Handrails (3 responses)
Enclosed porch - how to? (1 response)
Reasonable time window for house cleaners (5 responses)

Parenting Topics

AuDHD + medication (3 responses)
Seeking Mandarin Immersion Daycare/Preschool (2 responses, 1 pending)
Reading Troubles (4 responses)
Best read-aloud books for 6 yr olds? (26 responses)
Helping My 5YO Son with Emotional Regulation (17 responses)

Pregnancy, Childbirth & Breastfeeding

Medela Symphony pump rental with Anthem Blue Cross? (0 responses)
Birth doulas who work with Kaiser for reimbursement? (0 responses)
UCSF OB care - monitoring in Berkeley/Alta Bates? (7 responses)

Products & Services

Professional bra fitting and brand recommendations (16 responses)
Knitter needed (0 responses)
Tax consultation for middle income individuals (12 responses)
Where to begin on home remodel: novice (3 responses)
Diaper advice/recommendation for 5 year old (7 responses)
Recycling Expired Helmets? (0 responses)
Typing program for 4th grader? (4 responses)

School Advice

Switch from private to public middle school for high performer (0 responses, 1 pending)
TK options outside of OUSD (1 response, 3 pending)
CAS at BHS (1 response)
Berkwood Hedge Middle School? (0 responses)
Summer geometry options for high school student (2 responses)
Need help finding a school for our bi-racial son! (3 responses)
Through the Looking Glass (0 responses)
BAM: Morning Care and/or Carpools for Drop Off? (1 response, 1 pending)
Athenian High School - Reviews? (1 response)
Why did you leave Yu Ming? (2 responses)
Seeking Feedback about Berkeley High Math (0 responses)
Current Montclair Kindergarten experience? (3 responses)
inter-district transfer from Emeryville into OUSD (1 response)
OSA Middle School Updated Review (0 responses)
Move from public to private school? (4 responses)
Judaism and OUSD (5 responses, 1 pending)
Frank C Havens Elementary School Experience? (0 responses)

Teens & Preteens & Young Adults

Summer family Global Volunteering with teens? (0 responses)
Local Partial Hospitalization Program for teen with anorexia (3 responses, 1 pending)
Cal Poly SLO summer architecture program (2 responses)
One Month Job for 15 year old? (1 response)
Sensory issues for teens?!? (0 responses)
ISO Math Tutor for BHS Advanced Math II (7 responses)