About Profile Pages


What is a profile page?

Your profile page contains information about your school, business, or organization. Parents' reviews of you appear on your profile page, and parents can post a new review directly to your page. Your profile page is included in the appropriate listing on the BPN website, such as "Pediatric Dentists."   Profile pages for schools, preschools, daycares, camps, classes and other programs that enroll children are included in our searchable databases.  If you purchase a community subscription, you will be able to edit your profile page to add a description of your business, contact information, and more. 

Who is eligible for a profile page?

These community subscribers have a profile page on BPN:

  • Schools, preschools, and daycares
  • Camps, classes, groups, teams
  • Local businesses that serve parents and/or children
  • Local non-profit organizations that serve parents and/or children

These BPN subscribers do not have a profile page:

  • Parents
  • Nannies & Babysitters
  • Tutors & Teachers (unless they have purchased a business subscription)

In addition, BPN maintains profile pages for all local schools, preschools, and daycares in the area that parents have recommended in the past, whether they subscribe to BPN or not, so they can be included in our listings. Please contact us if we do not have a profile page for a school that you want to recommend.

How Can I Get a Profile Page on BPN?

There are several ways to get a profile page:

  1. If your school or business has received multiple reviews in the past from BPN subscribers, you might already have a profile page on BPN.  
  2. When you purchase a community subscription, if you are eligible for a profile page, we will make you one.
  3. Contact us if you are a school, preschool, or daycare in the area that doesn't already have a profile page on BPN's website.

Note:  Some businesses that are not child-related or parenting-related such as auto mechanics have profile pages on BPN because they received numerous reviews in the past. However, these businesses are not eligible to subscribe to BPN and parents cannot post reviews on their profile pages.

Profile pages for research queries

If you have subscribed in order to post research queries to BPN, you will only have your own profile page if you are subscribed as a business. Academic research groups and individual authors will link to a more general profile page for posting announcements.  See this page for information about which profile page to use.

What's on my profile page?

Your profile page contains:

  • The name of your business or organization
  • A special 'B' icon after your name to indicate your status as a BPN Community Subscriber
  • A description of your program, business or organization
  • Your phone number, email address, and city
  • A link to your website
  • Links to any of your current announcements and events
  • Archived reviews from BPN's old website's newsletters 1996-2015
  • A 'Post a review' box where parent subscribers can post a new review to your page. (Note this is only visible to subscribers who are parents.)
  • Schools, preschools, daycares, classes, camps have additional information such as capacity, site license number, address, neighborhood. 

How do I edit my profile page?

If you are a Community Subscriber and you have a profile page on BPN that is not a research page, you can edit it.  Here are instructions:

  1. When you are logged in to BPN, navigate to your profile page and you will see an Edit tab.   Or, go to your account page, find the "My Profile Page" section,  and click 'edit' next to the profile page you want to edit.
  2. Make any desired changes to your profile page. 
  3. If you'd like to make a note for yourself about the changes you made, and save the old version of your page, scroll to the bottom and click "Revision Information", check "Create new revision", and briefly describe your updates.  
  4. When you are done, click Save (all the way at the bottom of the page).

Detailed instructions for editing the profile page for different types of subscribers:

How can my clients or parents at my school post reviews to my profile page?

Anyone who is a BPN parent subscriber can post a review to a profile page for a child or parenting-related profile page. See this page for instructions: "How can I post an unsolicited review?"