Posting a Research or Reporter Query on BPN

Berkeley Parents Network often publishes requests from researchers, reporters, authors, and others who are seeking parents or kids for interviews, surveys, focus groups, and research projects. Many of our parent subscribers are interested in participating in these. As of Summer 2022, BPN has 40,000 parent subscribers who live all over the SF Bay Area, so your query will reach a wide audience.

If your work is related to children or parenting and has interest for our parent subscribers, you can subscribe to BPN as a Community Subscriber and post an announcement about your research.  Announcements are publicly available on our website for 30 days, and new announcements are sent out in the weekly Announcements newsletter mailed to all subscribers. 

How to post about your research:

1. Subscribe to BPN

Some subscriptions are free and some are not, depending on the type of business or organization you are affiliated with. BPN is a nonprofit and paid community subscriptions are our only income, so businesses seeking parents on BPN will need to purchase a subscription. But we do offer free subscriptions to nonprofits such as research universities. 

  • Researcher at a university or other tax-exempt nonprofit organization: If you are affiliated with a nonprofit educational institution, such as a college or university or other tax-exempt nonprofit, you may subscribe for free and post your query. For-profit institutions must purchase a business subscription - see below. When you subscribe, please provide the name of your institution as well as the name of your department, center, or lab. You will need to subscribe with an email address from your institution, such as "name [at]" Please also include a brief description of your project. SUBSCRIBE HERE as a "Free Non-profit"

  • Media Reporter or Author/Filmmaker/Director: If you are seeking to interview parents for an article, book, film, podcast or similar work, you may SUBSCRIBE HERE as a "Free Non-profit"

  • Research for a Business or Private Practice: If you are a business, law or medical practice, or start-up seeking parents/kids for focus groups, surveys, or similar activities, you may purchase a one-year subscription, which also allows you to post announcements about your services or products if they are child- or parenting-related.  Read more about subscribing as a business .... SUBSCRIBE HERE as a Business ($250 for one year). 

2. Post an Announcement

A subscription entitles you to post announcements on our website for one year. Announcements remain published for 30 days, and are public on our website.  All new announcements (posted during the previous week) are included in the weekly Announcements newsletter we mail to subscribers. You may have one published post in a 30-day period. 

Instructions for posting:

  • Click 'Post a message' on the BPN website
  • Post an Announcement in the category "Researchers & Authors Seeking Parents/Kids."
  • Provide your Profile Page name (contact us if you don't remember it.)