510 Families

info [at] 510families.com

{510} Families is an online guide for East Bay parents

Parent Reviews

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I love this website! I use it all the time for ideas for affordable things to do with the kids on the weekends - Here's this weekend's https://www.510families.com/fun-in-oakland-with-kids-this-weekend/. They also have great seasonal guides for things like summer camps. 

Just posted this week. I’m a big fan of this website for ideas: https://www.510families.com/san-leandro-with-kids/


Try Habitot Children's Museum. Part of the summer their camp only runs half-day, but part of the summer it runs full day, so check your dates. Also, check out www.510families.com/east-bay-summer-camp I just checked and found at least 5 options for kids that age (there are more, I just stopped counting). Good luck!

you may want to check out 510families for weekly events around town (they list out yoga, music, etc) along with special events as well as an app called Winnie-- it gives ratings of parks/restaurants/places to go locally (as well as nationally) with kids with extra info about changing table availability/areas to nurse... in case you want to mix it up!


Archived Q&A and Reviews

July 2015

RE: Volunteer opps for 6 yo

It can be difficult to find volunteer opportunities for kids, but there are some organizations that are happy to take on young volunteers.

This article on 510Families has a great list of potential volunteer gigs for families, along with advice on how to find more leads: http://www.510families.com/hands-on-volunteering-with-kids-in-the-bay-area/

If you live in Oakland, I also recommend the city's Adopt a Spot program (managed by the Public Works Agency). If you can make a regular commitment to clean a spot you love for at least one year, they provide all the tools -- trash grabbers, vests, garbage bags, gloves, etc. It's a wonderful way to make a difference in your neighborhood, and 6-year-olds can be a big help with this kind of work. For more info, visit: http://www2.oaklandnet.com/Government/o/PWA/o/FE/s/ID/OAK024735

I look forward to reading other suggestions. Best regards, Sara DuBois (Adult) Volunteer Coordinator Oakland Public Library

April 2015

RE: Short Amtrak Getaway with 3-year-old

If you just want a day trip - Martinez is close by & there are kid-friendly activities walkable from the station: http://www.510families.com/east-bay-train-trip-to-martinez/