Weekend baby activities like mom and baby yoga

Hello, My wife had to return to work after 8 weeks and we are looking for some baby activities that are not during the workday. Ideally mom and baby yoga. Does anyone have suggestions? Everything seems to be in the middle of the day during the week. Thanks

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you may want to check out 510families for weekly events around town (they list out yoga, music, etc) along with special events as well as an app called Winnie-- it gives ratings of parks/restaurants/places to go locally (as well as nationally) with kids with extra info about changing table availability/areas to nurse... in case you want to mix it up!


Square One Yoga in El Cerrito has a Saturday morning Family Yoga class. It's not specifically baby oriented but rather for parents and kids of all ages. Very welcoming. I sometimes take my 3-year old and have definitely seen much younger children there. 

If she mostly is looking for a weekend workout class, Mamaarmy does fitness classes with babies and toddlers on Saturdays in Berkeley. Not sure if there is a minimum age for babies: http://mamaarmy.com/about.