East Bay Midwives


Amanda Kessner, LM, CPM
Jeannie Choe, LM, CPM, IBCLC

Parent Reviews

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Amanda and Jeannie are truly exceptional midwives. They were attentive to our needs every step of the way. Not only do they have an incredible knowledge of prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care (and teaching skills), what really sets them apart is their ability to show up with grounded emotional support and crystal clear communication through all the anxieties, bumps, and Internet search worm holes that come out throughout pregnancy and after birth. They were available to us by phone or text at all hours of the day, and always seemed to have the emotional resources to show up in just the way we needed (which blows my mind). Though we ended up having a hospital birth in the end, Amanda was present through that whole process and easily adapted into the role of birthing doula, which made this unforeseen change of plans all the more supported and comfortable. I can't reflect on our experience with both more highly and would not hesitate to recommend to our closest friends and family.

I'm here to third Jeannie & Amanda at East Bay Midwives. They are wonderful!


A second to the wonderful experience with Amanda and Jeannie of East Bay Midwives! Jeannie delivered both my boys and we couldn't have loved our experience with them more. 


I received amazing midwifery care from Amanda & Jeannie at East Bay Midwives!


I also highly recommend East Bay Midwives! Jeannie and Amanda are the most loving and thoughtful care providers I've ever had period, not just throughout my pregnancy. I ended up being induced in the hospital and they could not attend the birth because of the pandemic restrictions, and even considering that I wouldn't hesitate for a second to use even knowing that they wouldn't be there at the birth for the prenatal and postpartum care alone. Having them come to my home 3 times in the first two weeks to take care of me and baby felt like such radical love and tender care that I didn't feel I'd have ever gotten in the normal medical system.


A second recommendation for East Bay Midwives! I've had two babies with Jeannie now and if I ever have another, I can't imagine anyone else delivering it. 


Congratulations on your pregnancy! I just had a beautiful home birth with the East Bay Midwives. They were lovely and kind and nurturing and did all the prenatal, newborn, and post natal care up to 6 weeks postpartum.


We gave birth to our little girl at Alta Bates in September and had a great experience with Amanda Kessner: amanda [at] doulaamanda.com 


Archived Q&A and Reviews

Sept 2014

RE: Doula who also takes good photos?

I enthusiastically recommend Amanda Kessner, the wonderful doula who attended my daughter's birth this year. Amanda was a fantastic doula and has now become part of our family. She supported me, my husband, and our 3 year-old daughter through pre-natal appointments and the birth of our 2nd daughter. Amanda made the day of the birth fun for both my husband and me. Some of the things Amanda contributed to our birth: * Entertained our 3 year-old during pre-natal appointments
* Brought decorations and essential oils to the birth room at Alta Bates
* Told my husband and me hilarious stories while we were trying to get labor to speed up
* Helped me think through the decision (wise in retrospect) not to receive antibiotics during labor, despite Strep B positive tests
* Encouraged my husband not to leave the room for a phone call when active labor was beginning
* Held my hand through pushing
* Lent a calm, knowledgeable atmosphere to the birth
* Made me feel supported throughout the birth and after
* Proactively reached out to schedule post-natal time with both the baby and my daughter so that I could tidy up the house and actually shower without interruption.

Delighted Mama (who also is named Amanda)