Seeking HAES-aligned, LGBTQ-allied pediatrician

We are 3 months pregnant and starting our search for a fantastic pediatrician.

We will be practicing Gender Creative Parenting, so we won't assign a gender to our baby.  We'll use they/them pronouns until our little one can tell us their identity and preferred pronouns. We hope to find a pediatrician who is an LGBTQIA+ ally and would support our parenting choice, including using they/them pronouns when referring to our kiddo.

We are also seeking a pediatrician who is Health at Every Size aligned, i.e., who does not focus on weight as a marker of health, discuss weight with their patients, or pressure children to diet.

A doctor located in or around Berkeley is ideal.  We have Blue Shield PPO.  

Thank you in advance for any recommendations! 

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Congratulations! I've got two kids (2 and 5 yo) and we've taken them to Hannah Boal at Stanford Children's Health on Telegraph since birth. I haven't practiced gender creative parenting but we are a family with two moms. Both moms and kids have only been met with respect and welcome from all the docs and staff there. We haven't had any discussions about weight other than as one metric to track growth. Good luck with your search!