
Charter School
operated by Education for Change (EFC)
3709 East 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94601

Parent Reviews

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I would recommend that you keep him in public, but find him a school that is doing a better job with this new format. Use the saved $$ for better bribing "toys!" LOL My 4th grader is at ASCEND and my 7th grader is at EBIA and both schools (both charters, in Oakland) are doing a fabulous job with this online format. Feel free to reach out if you want to discuss more. I'm no longer a teacher, but I used to be an elementary school teacher and I taught in both public and private.    

EPIC would be a great choice! It's in the Fruitvale neighborhood in Oakland. So would our school, ASCEND, as it's a K-8. However, I'm not sure if we have any middle school openings. EPIC does, I think. Good luck!
