Cerrito Vista Park

El Cerrito

Parent Reviews

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My son learned to ride on the paved loop in Cerrito Vista Park in El Cerrito and the Ohlone Greenway. I would stay off the Greenway during commute hours, but it is usually mellow on weekends. I've also seen a lot of beginners on the Fairmont Elementary playground on weekends.  


I haven’t been there recently, but my kids used to enjoy the small climbing wall at Dracena Quarry Park in Piedmont. Also, there’s a similar wall at the park in Moeser Lane in El Cerrito — Cerrito Vista Park , I think. And a really nice, big rope structure on the school grounds of Le Conte Elementary School in south Berkeley.Happy climbing!

Archived Q&A and Reviews

May 2009

RE: Running track with adjacent playground?

El Cerrito Vista Park on Moeser in ElCerrito. Nice flat field with a track around it. Annie

Cerrito Vista Park in El Cerrito, on Moeser across from Potrero Middle School, has a playground at the far end of the park and a track that goes around the baseball fields.

check out Cerrito Vista Park on Moeser in El Cerrito. Its not an all weather track but there are always walkers, runners, and kids on the playground. Often teams practicing on the field in the middle - easy sight lines to the playground area. anon

Cerrito Vista Park in El Cerrito (Moeser @ Pomona) has a great track w/ an ok playground. pcooper