Snippety Crickets


Parent Reviews

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Snippety Crickets on Solano! It isn't fancy, but the woman who runs the salon is basically magical: she is fast, accurate, and competent. I used to cut my kids' hair until my boys grew their hair longer. Now we go to Snippety Crickets and the kids actually ask to get their haircut!

First Haircut (Aug 11, 2019)

Snippety Crickets in Albany was great for us nine years ago...fwiw. 

First Haircut (Aug 11, 2019)

Lynn at Snippety Crickets on Solano Avenue.  She cut my son's hair from when he was a baby until he was a teen!  She is fast, affordable, kind, gentle, and professional.

Hair salon for toddler (May 16, 2018)

Snippety Crickets in Albany is a place that specializes in kids haircuts.  We have taken our daughter their several times.  Kids love getting their haircut there and you can purchase small toys there as well.  Here are their Yelp reviews  Linh is the best hairdresser there.  The other hairdressers are just ok.

Hair salon for toddler (May 16, 2018)

Snippety Crickets on Solano Ave between Albany and Berkeley

Hair salon for toddler (May 16, 2018)

Go see Lin at Snippety Crickets on Solano. She gives really great hair cuts. We've tried other people but are never as happy as when we see Lin.


Archived Q&A and Reviews

Sept 2008

Re: Haircut for curly-headed preschooler
Lin at Snippity Crickets on Solano does a fantastic job with all sorts of hair, including very curly. She's really good with kids too, my son has been going there since he was 2.5 yrs. anon

Sept 2007

Re: Haircut for a 3-year-old screamer
I would try Lynn at Snippity Crickets on Solano. She is very good, and someone told me that they saw a boy sitting on his Dad's lap while he got a hair cut. They have a train table there so the first couple of times I took my son we went a 1/2 hr early so he could play and get used to the place. It took a lot of talking to get him to go, but now he loves going there. My husband started getting his hair cut there too so now they go together. The only thing about the place is you walk through a section of toys for sale to get to the hair cutting part, but there's stuff of all price ranges so maybe that will help bribe your son to go too. anon

The people at Snippity Crickets are used to this. My son was a screamer too, and they are great at getting the kids calmed down. They cut my son's hair the first few times while he was sitting on my lap. And if all else fails, they are SUPERFAST and impervious to noise. After a few visits, my son looked forward to a particular train toy they h ad in their basket of toys, and the train in the window, and eventually the haircut became more of a treat than a trial.
Re: Haircut for African-American Boy's hair (Feb 2005)
The last time I took my son into Snippty Crickets on Solano, there was an African American boy getting his hair cut. It was obvious that the boy had been there before as they knew the hairdresser (Lynn). I would recommend asking for Lynn - she's really quick, gentle, and does a great job. The walls are covered with pictures of kids after they've gotten their hair cut, so you could go in and look around and see the cuts of other African American children. I also suggest going in about 15 minutes before your appointment and letting your son play at the train table, so he gets used to being there. anon
Re: Haircut for a 10-year-old boy (Feb 2005)
Hi, Try Lynn at Snippety Crickets on Solano. She does a great layered cut for my 4 year old, consistently on repeated visits (I tried 2 other places, because they were closer, and I thought ''how difficult can this be?'') Well, I came back to Lynn both times- Janice
Re: Haircut for a 10-year-old boy (Feb 2005)
Try Snippety Crickets in Berkeley. They do great boys haircuts. b3rk
Sept 2004

In perusing the archives, it seems the reviews of Snippety Crickets (haircuts for little kids) posted in 2003 are mostly positive, and those posted in prior years mostly negative. What are people's current experiences there? (And if there are still two haircutters, one of whom talks the parent's ear off during the haircut, would it be fair to ask that person's name, so as to make an appointment with the other one?) Thanks! Anonymous

We've taken my 2.5-year old to Snippety Crickets since he was 1. We have always seen Lin (the quiet one). The other woman who cuts hair there (I don't know her name) is very nice and always friendly to the kids and parents, but her voice is a bit loud. Since my son is pretty quiet, and isn't fond of getting his hair cut in the first place, we've gone the quieter route with Lin. She is very nice, does a good job, and is *fast*. My main complaint about the place are the racks of semi-junky toys that greet you when you walk into the store; haircutting is done in the back of the store, so if your kid is the type who will beg you to buy a toy, getting his/her hair cut there may be a tiny little hell for you. But on the plus side, they have a train table out that your child can play with while you wait for your appointment. Anon
We've had good experiences with Lynn at Snippety. At one point, I felt we were outgrowing the place because my son is 7 but after taking him to a haircutter who charges a little more and cuts the hair much more slowly, we went back to Lynn. My son hates sitting in a chair so Lynn's speedy and efficient style fits him well. --El Cerrito mom
We have been going to Snippety Crickets for almost 3 years. My children like it, and I'm always pleased with the way their hair looks after a cut. I highly recommend Lynn. She is very gentle with babies, toddlers and older children, and even manages to cut hair well (and straight!) despite fussiness and tantrums.
Hi, I avoided Snippety Crickets for the first couple years of my first daughter's life, thinking it was overpriced and Supercuts was just as good...then last year when she was 3 she wanted her hair cut quite short, and on a whim we stopped by and got in quickly because someone had cancelled. The woman (a dark haired, middle-aged lady with an accent, possibly Russian) was fast and the cut was amazing. My daughter LOVED her haircut, as did I. We then went back to Supercuts for the next trim, thinking they could just follow the same lines she had cut, but the style was different, and not as easy to maintain. I'm convinced. I just took my younger daughter (2 1/2) there for her first real haircut, and she looks adorable. The cut took only 15 minutes or so, and they're well stocked with little gadgets and hand-held games for kids of all ages, so she was totally preoccupied, still and quiet the whole time. That lady (sorry, don't know her name) is incredible. (We've had the ''talkative'' lady too, and she's just as talented.) I highly recommend Snippety Crickets. heidi
My daughter got her first commercial haircut at Snippity Crickets when she was two years old. The person who did her hair was Lin. She has been wonderful and kind and has done a great job, even in the early years when my daughter was fidgety and scared. Lin has cut her hair for three years and we wouldn't go anywhere else. mparas
We've been going to Snippety Crickets for about 2 years. We usually request the first appt on Saturday morning and it's usually been the talkative lady, though 2 times we got the quiet lady. My son was completely resistant the first few times, screaming bloody murder and flailing around. His apprehension has dramatically decreased with every visit until now he does not mind it at all. He has thick straight hair, so mistakes show (and that's why I don't cut it myself). It's just amazing how fast and how calmly and how *well* they cut hair. I actually prefer the talkative lady, especially when he was younger and more fearful, because she was sort of a distraction for him - he wasn't so focused on the chair, the scissors, and the buzzer, and she made him more relaxed. But the other lady is good too. They are FAST and GOOD. Ginger
I love Snippety Crickets. I have not found that anyone talked my ear off. I have had both Lynn and Bobbie Jo. Bobbie Jo is great with my special needs child. Some kids need that extra attention and they both seem to be good with that. I am not sure who they were talking about but I have never had that trouble with either of them. I have seen some very difficult children/and parents in there. They are all dealt with calm reassurance. I don't think I would have the patience that I have seen Bobbie Jo and Lynn have with some of the problems that come up with the haircuts. I take all of the negative reviews with a grain of salt when it comes to personal opinions. I have enjoyed talking to Bobbie about family stuff. She has special needs family members and really helps me out. Lynn is just as sweet. They both have given my children great haircuts. cristina
My daughter (currently 26 months) has had two bang trims at Snippety Crickets in the last 8 months or so. I thought they were great. No one talked my ear off and my daughter was happy. They distracted her with a toy and gave her stickers. We went on a Saturday morning and asked to be right after another somewhat older child so my daughter could see a tearless haircut. Lori
We have gone to Lyn and have been pleased (not estatic) with the results. I am rather particular, and do not want that typical kid haircut - bangs slashed in the middle of the forehead thing. But for my son, the trains at Snippity are a huge distraction. I cannot get him out of the store. Yesterday I tried a new place (by accident) COOL CUTS for kids in Rockridge. The set up could not be better. Kids get to sit on a car or a horse, and they get to watch the DVD of their choice on a TV. Plus there are no trains. I explained exactly what I wanted and I got it. We went to Dalila. They are right off College avenue by the BART station. The haircut was $17.50. Leslie
Hi, We are new to the East Bay and went to Snippety Crickets for the first time last week. We were just passing by and my daughter needed a trim so we stopped in. Frankly, I didn't like the whole experience that much. The owner, or man behind the desk, was grumpy, curt and just unfriendly to both me and my kids. The stylist didn't introduce herself or say anything to make my 6 year old particularly comfortable. It was just a straight-forward trim so I can't speak much to the quality of the cut but it took less than five minutes. She recommended cutting a bit more than I asked because she said my daughter's ends were dry. That was fine. It was $17. I don't know the usual price range around here but I thought that was steep for what we got. In Los Angeles my son gets a pretty complicated haircut from a wonderful stylist that spends a good deal of time and it is $15. So...I guess I didn't like the whole thing very much but maybe they give a good haircut. Someone else will have to tell you that. haircut Mom
May 2004

Re: Hair Salon for 2yr old twin boys (May 2004)
We've had mixed experiences at Snippety Crickets--mostly good, but one bad one where my son was crying a lot and the hairdresser basically gave up on him and left him and me covered with bits of hair as she went on to the next customer. We also tried the Powder Box (a few doors up on Solano), where a very nice and patient hairdresser cut my son's hair rather badly. I'll tell you, though, what has really worked like a charm for getting haircuts accomplished peacefully: a candy bribe. I tell my son (who rarely gets candy) that if he sits still for his haircut, he'll get a lollipop afterwards. If he starts to squirm during the haircut, I just remind him, ''Remember, what do you get if you sit still for your haircut?'' ''A lollipop!'' he says, and sits still. I am reluctant to use junk food as bribes, but it really works! Parent of 2-1/2-year-old

June 2003

Re: Toddler daughter's first haircut

We've been very pleased with Lihn at Snippety Crickets on Solano. I've taken my now 2 year old son there for the past year. Lihn is great -- very gentle, calm, and efficient, and I've always been happy with the cut. Your daughter can sit by herself in the chair, or on your lap. They have a variety of toys to keep the children happy/distracted while she is cutting. I didn't like haircut from one of the other stylists there, so I'd specifically ask for Lihn. They take appointments. Sally

Try Snippety-Crickets on Solano. The young woman (I think her name is Lisa) in the back has cut my toddler son's hair twice and did a great job. Janice
Snipetty Crickets on Solano, about a block below Colusa. Call a day ahead for an appt. And for us, playing up the ''big girl, getting a haircut, just like Mommy and Daddy'' produced total cooperation and enthusiasm. anon
Our 16 month old did really well at Snippity Cricket on Solano Ave. in Berkeley (there is one in SF too). Bobbie gave our son his first hair cut. She allowed him to sit on my lap, was friendly, entertaining, and very fast. grace
SNIPPITY CRICKETS on Solano Ave. Kept my 18 month old completely entertained with the a myriad of quacking ducks, chicks, etc. And, the haircut came out remarkably even considering he was throwing his head from one side to the other! Leslie
April 2003

Re: Cheap but good haircuts for boys

Try Snippety Crickets on Solano. They charge $15 for a haircut and both of the women who work there do an equally good job. Dianne

Dec 2002

Re: Haircut for squirmy toddler

On the website you probably saw a lot of recommendations for Snippity Crickets. I took my son there for his first haircut... he was just over two. It was pretty great. They handed him a toy to fiddle with, and were really fast getting the cutting done. It was a wonderful first hair cut.

Since then I have not has as good luck with them. Once the stylist was so busy chatting me up that she missed a whole section of my kid's head... if I hadn't been watching it would have been really annoying to get home and discover it. I figured it was the end of the day and so I thought I would give them another chance... BUT the few times I tried to go after that they wouldn't take us because we were ''walk-in'' and they had appointments booked. I can understand the need to keep appointments, but the store was empty and the stylist was sitting there doing nothing... I think they could have easily sqeezed us in. Plus, if you aren't going to take ''walk-in'' appointments, you shouldn't advertise that you do... And, just a warning if you do try them (my friend still goes with her son and hasn't complained, so maybe it was just me)... the front of the shop is a toy store of sorts... it can be hard to drag a kid out.

We tried Snippity Crickets on Solano in Albany. The person cutting his hair talked non-stop to me (not my son) and was cutting his hair while looking in the mirror (instead of at my son). anon
I have taken my son (when he was between 1 and 2 years old -- he's 2 now) to two places -- Snips on College and Snippety Crickets on Solano. Both have lots of toys to try to distract a toddler. I was less satisfied at Snippety Crickets. I called to say I would be a bit late, and was told that they might be able to accomodate me (which sounded to me like I'd better get there quickly). When I got there, there were no other customers. One woman spent the entire time on the phone making a personal call, while the other cut my son's hair. She was trying to be quick, and then stopped abruptly to say she was done. After his hair dried at home, I could see that she seemed to have cut too much from one side in the front -- probably because he was squirming so much. It didn't look too bad, but I was annoyed that she had just stopped rather than explaining what had happened. They also have a lot of toys for sale there, so I ended up buying my son a toy truck to avoid a fight when we left.
May 2000

Re: Haircuts for Children
I've tried Snippety Crickets ($15.00 or so) and the woman chatted a lot and put all kinds of strange layers in my daughter's hair that took forever to grow out. Cecily

Dec 1996

Re: Baby's First Haircut
i took my son to snippety crickets on solano avenue and found the haircutter to be experienced with children and very accomodating. they also took a photo of the new haircutted kid with their snippety cricket mascot for posting to the wall with hundreds of other photos. the only complaint i have about them is they have ALOT of those little inexpensive plastic toys all around the front counter which made it almost impossible to get TO the chair without confrontation (and you don't want junior to be whipped up BEFORE the haircut) much less get out (now you have to write a check and keep junior away from those toys at the same time)... Dorothy