Temple Isaiah


Parent Reviews

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Check out Temple Isaiah of Lafayette. It is a very family friendl,y welcoming, forward thinking congregation.

Temple Isaiah - Lafayette, CA

Worth the trip, great community!

Archived Q&A and Reviews

May 2006

Re: Synogogue friendly to interfaith families
I am a member of Temple Isaiah in Lafayette and although both my husband and I are Jewish there are a considerable number of interfaith couples who belong, as well as different ethnicities,which I enjoy.

On a recent high holiday children's service, the officiating rabbi invited those not Jewish to come up to the front for a special blessing and to acknowledge personal challenges that they may have faced to embrace the faith of their partner. It was actually very emotional for those standing in front of the crowd as well as those of us in the pews.

I share this to tell you that there is an understanding, an embracing and a welcoming of interfaith couples. I have met many couples where one partner is Jewish (either the man or the woman) and they have chosen to expose their children to the Jewish faith.

It is a reformed synagogue, which in my opinion is more relaxed to begin with. I don't feel beaten over the head over what I 'should' believe, yet every time I am there I feel the warmth of the faith and the people I am surrounded by.

You can attend services as a visitor--just show up. That's how we started out; going to children's high holiday services and family services which are held usually the first Friday of the month. It will give you a sense of how the clergy interfaces wtih families and children and the oneg shabbat afterward where we say the hamotzi and enjoy drinks and desserts is a wonderful and friendly social time. I hope you'll take a look! Good luck to you karen