Spanish Lessons for 7-10 Year Olds

Parent Q&A

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  • My 4th grade daughter is interested in taking a Spanish language class after being introduced to Spanish on the Duolingo app all during Covid. Does anyone have any recommendations for an enrichment class or summer camp for a beginner? Or is it best to go the tutor route? Thanks!


    I never had any interest in Spanish, but I happened to see that my favorite community college has some old (and thus free) resources on this topic. Here's the link:…;   

  • Hi, I'm looking for someone to work with my son a few hours a week on Spanish writing, speaking and reading. He has attended 4 years of a Spanish immersion elementary school, so is fluent at the moment. But we're moving to a school with no Spanish and I'd like him to be able to keep up with it. Please let me know if you have any recommendations.


    You can skype with qualified Spanish teachers from Guatemala. There are lots of programs and you can try a teacher to decide if it's the right fit. We used one through a language school, of which there are many. It was very convenient, you can share documents, etc. 

    I recommend Florencia Orlandoni for Spanish tutoring. She works with my 13 year old son, who attended a bilingual elementary school and needed some more advanced Spanish instruction than what his middle school provided. She is great- patient, caring, and really seems to understand how to individualize her teaching and materials based on the needs and interest of the student. My son looks forward to his hour with her every week. Contact her at florenciaorlandoni [at]

    I do not have a tutor recommendation, but having grown up bilingual, and raising my children bilingual, I would recommend that in addition to tutors, make sure he has friends/peers with whom he regularly interacts in Spanish. Find Spanish playdates. Start some other Spanish-speaking activity with peers (Spanish music class? Spanish sports?). If a child only gets Spanish from tutors/schools, they are less likely to keep it up and invest the mental/emotional effort to keep it fresh long-term than if they have friends in Spanish.

  • Hello

    I'm wondering if anyone has heard of a Spanish Saturday school in the East bay for pre-schoolers or school-age children. I'm bilingual but am having a hard time encouraging my children to learn/keep up their Spanish. If anyone has heard of such a program (I'm thinking similar to how there exist Chinese or Arabic Saturday Schools) please let me know!

    Additionally - in the case that there are no such programs do let me know if you would be interested in having your kids attend a Saturday Spanish School. In my desperation I may just coordinate teachers and friends to launch one of our own.


    I'm also looking for a Saturday Spanish school. I found "Viva El Espanol" ( online, but I have no experience with their program. I also don't know that I would want to trek out to their East Bay locations in Lafayette or Pleasanton. If you find a program in the Oakland/Berkeley area, please let me know. If you decide to start up a program, let me know as well. I'd be interested in learning more about it. 

  • I'm looking to help start a Spanish after school class at my children's elementary school in Oakland. I'm familiar with Viva el Espanol, but have heard mixed reviews. Does anyone have a recommendation for other classes that would come to a school? Or an individual who has this sort of skill set that is open to the idea? Many thanks for your suggestions!

    Afterschool enrichment programs have been very successful in El Cerrito, here is the link for any ideas it may give you:

  • Hi.

    My child (7years old) loves to learn Spanish and I don't speak the language.

    We check out books to read, audio books, videos, etc., but there's nothing like having conversations:)

    Are there any groups, classes, etc., that might not be too expensive in the Bay Area? Maybe a great place to meet and hang out with native speaking Spanish children?

    Any and all suggestions welcome:)

    Thank you.

    Take a look at Italki:  It's a language exchange where you can search for certified teachers or community tutors. Many work with absolute beginners and kids, and they tend to be very warm and friendly. Once you set up a free account, you can search for teachers and specify your criteria (time, day, works with children/works with absolute beginners). Rates are $4 to 20/hour for Spanish teachers, with $12-14 common. Half hours are also possible, and they work through Skype. I have had wonderful teachers there and can't say enough about how pleased I have been with the experience. Good luck!

    Try WISH montclair ( Sylvia is lovely with the kids and she makes learning Spanish fun! Pretty reasonably priced as well. My son is in a dual-immersion school and needed more Spanish support. He loves his classes there. She does all levels and will informally test your child to place him/her.

Archived Q&A and Reviews

After school classes in Spanish

April 2011

Looking for recommendations for high-quality afterschool programs in Spanish that provide a variety of enrichment activities and outdoor fun in the general Berkeley/Oakland area for grades K-5 kids. Most interested in programs that go from end of school day until about 5:30 or 6pm. Homework support in Spanish a plus. working parent

Escuela Bilingue Internacional on Alcatraz below College in Oakland has after school programs in their Spanish immersion school that goes from preschool to 8th grade. I'm not sure if their school year program is open to students outside their school, but they definitely have * summer school * in Spanish open to preschool and elementary school kids. Two week sessions are morning, afternoon, or both. - happy parentEditor Note: responses were also received from these businesses: Lango Kids and Viva el Espanol.

Feb 2010

hello. i am looking for a place and/or person to work with my son in learning spanish on-going & long-term. any recommendations for an after school class, personal teacher or leaning group? gracias! leslie

Hola, You should really check out 'Viva El Espanol' learning Center.They have a variety of locations in the Bay Area, but their main campus is in Lafayette. The teachers are wonderful and the classes are really fun and innovative. My children have been attending sessions for the past 3 yrs (they are 5 and 6yrs old) and are Bilingual.They're website is , their phone number is (925)962-9177. Hope this helps! Denise

Lango offers Spanish classes (also French and Mandarin) all over the Bay Area - various times and locations. Cheryl

Maintaining kids' Spanish after a year in Ecuador

June 2003

We've been living in Ecuador for the last year with our two daughters, ages 5 and 8, and they are now rattling away in Spanish to each other and friends. We will be returning to Oakland this summer and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about how to keep up their Spanish when we are back. I can't think of any obvious way to maintain their Spanish effectivley. If we lived in Berkeley we would do everything we could to get them in one of the immersion programs. But Oakland, and Chabot, (their school), has no immersion programs. I have never heard of a Spanish Bilingual private school in the East Bay. Is there one? Having them take an afternoon class a week doesn't seem like much. We have friends that they can talk with but its not the same as full day immersion in Spanish (Our Spanish is passable but not good enough to conduct our home lives in Spanish). Any thoughts? Thanks, Liz

I would try to have your children make friends with Spanish speaking children at school and invite them over for after-school play as often as possible. Try to encourage them to watch Spanish-language TV. Unfortunately there aren't many good children programs on network TV (though they do have cartoons), so you may want to check into cable-TV offerings. buena suerte! anon

We have a similar circumstance as you -- we have spent a sabbatical year living in Mexico, returning in August, and now have a 5 year old son who speaks Spanish much better then we do. (How do they get that subjunctive tense!??) Though we live in Berkeley we are sad that we didn't get into the Cragmont immersion program as it would have been a natural extension for him (grumble grumble at the school choice lottery...)

But to assure that he continues to be truly bilingual we are doing several things: 1) It may be impractical for you, but we are bringing back a Mexican student to live with us, enjoy a California adventure, and speak only Spanish with our son. At the least you might try to find an occasional babysitter who can speak spanish with your children. Also, lots of Cal students speak spanish and you might ''employ'' one to come over to talk with your kids afew times a week. 2) Before we left Berkeley, my son took a Saturday kids class at Centro Latino. Perhaps they will offer a more ''advanced spanish'' course for kids like ours if we get enough interest. Also, Habitot Children's Museum in Berkeley is starting a spanish language class -- ditto re influencing them to hold an ''advanced class'' as their classes are always great. 3) I know of at least one other child in Berkeley/Oakland who is spanish-english bilinqual -- I am sure there are MANY -- perhaps we can organize a play group when we get back?? The rule: solo hablando en espanol! Anybody interested please feel free to send me a personal email. Felicidades on giving your children the gift of two languages! Kathy

There are wonderful new spanish lessons for 1-14 year olds in both Lafayette and Piedmont put on by 1 Worldly Wise Language & Culture Organization. The classes are for beginners & those with experience and kids have a lot of fun doing what they like to do in Spanish with age-appropriate activities. Check out the website at chris