Kids Saturday Spanish School in the East Bay


I'm wondering if anyone has heard of a Spanish Saturday school in the East bay for pre-schoolers or school-age children. I'm bilingual but am having a hard time encouraging my children to learn/keep up their Spanish. If anyone has heard of such a program (I'm thinking similar to how there exist Chinese or Arabic Saturday Schools) please let me know!

Additionally - in the case that there are no such programs do let me know if you would be interested in having your kids attend a Saturday Spanish School. In my desperation I may just coordinate teachers and friends to launch one of our own.

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I'm also looking for a Saturday Spanish school. I found "Viva El Espanol" ( online, but I have no experience with their program. I also don't know that I would want to trek out to their East Bay locations in Lafayette or Pleasanton. If you find a program in the Oakland/Berkeley area, please let me know. If you decide to start up a program, let me know as well. I'd be interested in learning more about it.