BUSD Summer School

Parent Q&A

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  • BUSD Summer school ?

    Jun 5, 2023

    Hi everyone. I am hoping someone can help me understand what's happening with Busd summer school program, this year.

    There is literally no information available other than a mention of the start date. 

    Our school principal mentioned it a couple of months ago. But other than that... nothing.

    For the most part, there's been almost no information put out from the district, that's specifically, education related.

    In comparison to prior years, it's been a veritable desert in this regard. 

    This is for elementary school.

    I got an info sheet back in May from a teacher. The summer program starts this coming Monday, so it may be hard to register now. I'd recommend contacting your principal directly, but in case it helps, this is the site I was sent to for registration: https://berkeleylearns.asapconnected.com/Login

    and the instructions from the sheet:

    When: 9 am-12 pm Monday-Friday June 14th-July 14th. You can also register for LEARNS
    part time care if you want care until 6 pm
    Where: The program will be at OXFORD elementary here in Berkeley. (On 2020 Bonar street).
    Rising 6th grade students will be at King Middle School.
    1. Click here to set up an account with BUSD LEARNS or update your BUSD LEARNS
    account. Set it for the grade your child will enter NEXT YEAR. Summer Account
    Creation Link
    2. Click on this link to find the grade level offerings. Click on the link for the grade level
    your child WILL BE ENTERING next year. Grade Level Summer School Selection
    3. Click the add to waitlist button for the grade level you want. (Red button lower right)
    4. Click view cart and check out
    5. Click the check out button
    6. Fill out the information on the page. Under priority, check the recommended box
    7. Click submit. You are now on the waitlist (MORE THAN LIKELY YOUR CHILD IS IN).
    8. If you would like to pay to participate in the LEARNS summer camp from 12-6, click this
    button and sign up. After School Summer Camp 12pm-6pm
    ******If your child is in the BEARS program click this Link to sign up for the FREE summer
    BEARS program. 9 am -6 pm during the summer. BEARS SUMMER. Please be sure to click
    that your child needs academic summer school.
    ******* If your child has an IEP, please sign them up for academic summer school. (Step 1 in
    the How).

  • Hi there. I’m new to the Berkeley and CA school systems. I was wondering if there is a process for grade forgiveness at Berkeley High. Back in FL, where I’m from, there used to be summer school where you could retake a class for six weeks and override your grade. We had night classes as well for older students. Is the same thing available here? Thanks!

    I don’t think that’s a thing around here. Summer school has limited capacity and is for making up credits you need to graduate. You retake required classes that you failed, but I don’t think you can retake classes you passed but wish you gotten a better grade in. 

    When my kid failed English at Berkeley High last year there were two options: summer school or cyber high, which is a company the high school contracts with that offers online classes. Seniors get priority for summer school and there was no more space so she opted for cyber high instead. The kids have to log in at a certain time each day and if they are late or miss too many classes they get dropped. The class itself was easy and she was able to pass the quizzes while doing (in my opinion) practically no work. The F is still on her record though, the class doesn’t replace it. If you email the counselor they can tell you the options. 

  • My kid is getting a D, and may flunk chemistry.  Will summer school be required?  How much credit can you make up in a summer?  Are there options for doing remedial classes elsewhere?  How does this even work?!

    My kid flunked chemistry at BHS and took it in the summer.  She got an F for the semester, and an A in summer school.  The population was a bit rough- the quiet, polite kids generally aren't the ones going to summer school.  But she LOVED her teacher.  And the teacher liked her too, which had not been the case during the school year.  It's not easy, but it's condensed into 4 weeks (half a day to make up each semester- she did a half day because she only failed the spring).  She worked hard, but they make it attainable.  Not a fun way to spend summer, in general, but it wasn't painful.  As far as I know, the grade can't be made up any other way.  

    I just went to see my kid's academic counselor at BHS with the same question. My understanding is that summer school might be an option if they fail this semester, but if the grade improves next semester, summer school might not be required. I was also told that the kids need 1 year of a physical science to graduate and for college admission. So if they passed physics, then passing chemistry is not required. Although the counselor did recommend that if the kid fails 2nd semester, that they retake it in the fall just to show that they learned the material. I recommend meeting with the academic counselor just to check in about your kid's progress. I was encouraged by it. She also gave me a schedule of the other teachers that my kid can get help from after school. Good luck!

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Questions & Advice


Summer schools for getting ahead?

May 2002

Does anyone have any experience with the BHS summer program? I have a daughter interested in taking a class or two to get a jump on her Sophomore year. I have heard that some classes are unruly with students repeating a failed class. Any advice would be appreciated. Many thankx. Janet

Here is a question that I sent to BHS 9th grade counselor, Ms. Antonnucio, and her reply. (She did reply within 24 hours.) Don

Dear Ms. Antonnucio, Thank you for coming to Willard MS Monday night. I have one question that wasn't addressed: Are students able to take required courses during summer school, thus freeing up a semester during the regular school year for an elective?

Students can take some BHS graduation requirements at BHS summer school or at community college. But, Freshmen have to take English, IES, Math and P.E. The summer after freshmen year they could take a visual or performing arts class, P.E., an English or a history elective. The have to take required classes when they are required but they can take other courses like the ones listed to get ahead. Many of our students concurrently enroll at Vista community college during the summer for enrichment classes. Many of the BHS summer school classes are remedial. Occasionally we offer PE or art for students who want to get ahead. I hope this is clear and answers your question. Jennifer Antonuccio 9Th Grade Counselor Berkeley High School

My understanding about summer classes at BHS, (at least this year with the budget cuts), is that is only for students that failed classes and it isn't advised for students trying to get a head start. This is what we were told at the session counselors conducted for incoming 9th graders. Debra

Editor Note: latest email newsletter from BHS says summer school is largely remedial this year.


Taking freshman classes the summer before?

January 2000

Some time ago, I remember reading about the idea of entering BHS freshmen taking a course in summer school that lightens their first semester. Ethnic Studies? Does anybody know more details about this--such as timing, coursework, etc.? --Joan

Berkeley High offers bridge program for entering freshman. But students can also take regular offerings like English or History. That leaves more room in the schedule for fun stuff like art. Sally

I know the District has a committee to discuss options, including types of classes. In the past summer school has been 6 weeks, 2 hours for each class, a variety of classes with students taking 1 or 2 classes. As an 8th grade V.P. I have recommended classes for students who aren't going away or have jobs. Students earn BHS credit. For some students, they learn where classes are located and get a feel for high schools. Last year applications for summer school were given in late April, early May. Doreen

(From the May/June 1999 PTA newsletter)

Summer School at BHS [summer of 1999]

In addition to the educational opportunities at the local community colleges and Cal, Berkeley High School is expanding its summer program this year. BHS Summer school offers one six-week session (June 21-July 30) and two three-week sessions (June 21-July 9) and (July 12-July 30). If sufficient students sign up for these classes, the school will offer the following programs:
American Literature, Composition, Creative Writing, World Literature, World of Media, Poetry, Public Speaking. Math Proficiency, Algebra Preparation, Algebra 1B & 2B, Geometry B, American Government, Economics, USeminar, Ethnic Studies, Social Living, Biology 1 &2, Physical Science 1&2 (these classes are not college prep lab sciences), Spanish 1& 2, ESL: three levels, ESL World History, ESL Ethnic Studies, Driver Education, Basketball, Conditioning, Team Sports, Soccer, Self-Defense, SAT Preparation, The Harlem Renaissance: African American Studies, Ceramics, Creative Arts, Drawing, Video Production, Documentary Video Production, Words & Images: Emphasis on Graffiti Art, Writing Proficiency, Reading Proficiency, Senior Diploma, Work Experience. Brochures are available from the RegistrarS History 1 & 2, World History 1 & 2, Women