Sutter Health Ob/Gyns, 12 Camino Encinas


12 Camino Encinas, Orinda, CA 94563

Ob/Gyns at this practice (as of 2021): , Elisabeth Schleuning, Cindy Zhang

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I gave birth last August and Dr. Schleuning was the one at the hospital. I gave birth vaginally.

Short version: She did an excellent job. She was calm, positive, and encouraging when I was pushing, very clear in her instructions, and seemed very gentle with my baby in every interaction. My baby had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice which restricted his oxygen levels somewhat and she acted quickly and calmly to remove it so he could get breathing assistance. He recovered quickly. She quickly performed my stitches. I would say she strikes me as what I have always imagined surgeons to be like (I'm sure this is a vast overgeneralization). Precise, focused, competent, and not perfect in bedside manner, though pretty good (more details on that below). I trusted her completely, respected her, and also had one interaction outside the hospital (postpartum checkup) that was awkward and a little surprising given my other positive experiences.

Post birth: 6 weeks later, I saw her for a followup appointment to address ongoing pain in stitches area. She prescribed a topical medicine and gave advice that worked. She also made a flippant, insensitive comment and laughed about it. When I told my regular OBGYN, she examined me and said "that's not even true. I don't know why she said that." Happy to share details about the comment but would rather not post it publicly.

Dr. Kondrashov

I interacted with her only briefly at the hospital. She wanted to induce me and I asked for more time (my water broke right before coming to the hospital) and I don't remember much except she the conversations were brief and to-the-point, whereas some other doctors after her took more time to answer my questions.

Dr. Mehandru. I've never met her at all!

Good luck with the decision! 

I've seen Dr. Schleuning in the past and she had one of the worst bed side manners I've ever encountered. She was very blunt in her communication, to the point that it was hurtful in a couple of instances. I would avoid her if communication style is important to you. Her medical care was always competent though. I saw her for routine prenatal appointments and one outpatient procedure.

Hi Abbie,

I had Dr. Schleuning for a post-birth surgery involving removal of fibroids and would be very comfortable recommending her for her precision, care, attention, and skills.

I also had a C-Section but not with any of the doctors you mention at Alta Bates, and the only non-generic advice I have is if you intend to have a partner stay with you, bring a small camping mattress or airbed for him/her - the "cot" provided for non-patients is pretty uncomfortable.


I really enjoyed Dr Cindy Zhang. She was warm, no-nonsense, evidence-based. The chance of whoever you see during your pregnancy actually being there to deliver is rare so I'd also recommend meeting a few people throughout your pregnancy. The OB who was there for my successful VBAC was someone I had never met before but it was still a great experience (the nurses, your partner/support system really matter more at that point anyway). 

Hi there,

Congrats on your third! I loved the doctor that did my c-section, Cindy Zhang (Sutter East Bay Medical). Mine was unexpected and she was so sweet and kind with me during that tough decision making process. She told me exactly what to expect and was super reassuring. I delivered at Alta Bates and was really impressed with the entire team there. I had an all female team and they were wonderful, talking to me through the procedure.

I also really loved Dr. Megan Jewell at the same practice. She was on Maternity leave when I was delivering, but I saw her through most of my pregnancy and she was wonderful. I'm sure I would have as wonderful an experience with her.