Updated info on PANS/PANDAS clinicians

Hi. I checked out prior posts on this topic, and it has been years since the last recommendations. 
Looking for recommendations of clinicians that diagnose and treat PANDAS. Thank you! 

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Please check out the Immune Behavioral Health clinic at Stanford. We've been working with them for years--and my son is finally in remission thanks to their diligence. https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/service/pans-pandas

There is a Pans/Pandas clinic at Stanford. Dr Kiki Chang who was the founder/or lead psychiatrist at Stanford is in private practice.  Dr Cantwell in San Francisco is a holistic doc who treats Pans/Pandas.  The gold standard for kids with acute Pans symptoms is IVIG treatment monthly which if indicated, some doctors can get approved by insurance for at least six months, sometimes 9-12 months or longer. 

Hi, I'm sorry you're going through this, it can be tricky getting care. There's a list of practitioners on the Pandas Network website https://pandasnetwork.org/understanding-pandas/

Some of the clinicians are no longer treating Pans/Pandas/AE, but there's a list and a place to start. Stanford doesn't accept our insurance so we cobbled together providers straddling the medical docs and the behavioral people. The medicine won out for us. IVIG was a big help, but OCD is a difficult condition and you should become educated on that. We joined some support groups and IOCF  https://iocdf.org/  and got a lot of good information.

On a different note, if your child also has POTS and/or chronic fatigue from this, we got some good info from DynaKids (dysautonomia) https://www.dynainc.org/  and we used that to help with school. 

Good luck. Also, maybe we can start our own Bay Area family group.