Tutor or coach for executive function/time management

Hi, My high school junior is really struggling with time management, procrastination, and focus during this very challenging school year. We're thinking of hiring someone to sit with them once or twice a week and help them manage their homework load and figure out how get it done before the early hours of the morning. Beyond just not wanting to do homework, they are also distracted by their screens, and need help being able to focus on their work. We've tried to offer help but the parent-kid dynamic isn't working. Can anyone recommend someone who could be an executive function coach? Thanks.

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My 15 year old has been meeting with Amanda at Classroom Matters on Sacramento St in Berkeley once a week last year and this year for executive function coaching and she has been amazing! It hasn't fixed all his procrastination and distraction issues but it has still been super helpful. They also have an afterschool homework program that I would like to try (but have not yet).


My son, who is in his last year at Oakland Tech, has been going to Classroom Matters on Sacramento Street in Berkeley for many years.  He struggles with executive functioning, keeping on task and organization as well as needing help with class/homework.  I cannot say enough about the directors and all of the different tutors that have worked with my son.  It was extremely stressful to try and keep on top of my son’s work and I never felt like I could do this and stay sane!  I also have Tatiana, one of the directors, come to the IEP meetings with me as an advocate.  She helps cut through the jargon and knows the system way better than I could.  

Good Luck to you and your child!

Terrie G.
