Thank you gift for contractor at the end of a long-term project?

We're just completing a major project with a design/build firm that cost several hundred thousand dollars. This project took 2 years from start to finish due to multiple headaches and delays with the city permitting office and PG&E. The firm's architect produced a beautiful design that we are so happy with, and has been exemplary throughout the project, bending over backwards to give us what we wanted, finding workarounds when we hit a roadblock, checking in frequently, and even meeting with the neighbors when they had questions. The project manager has also been excellent, keeping things moving along with her efficient, tidy crew, which were practically living at our house for 8 months. We gave the crew a small cash gift for Christmas, but now that the project is finishing up, it feels like a thank-you gift might be in order for the designer and maybe the project manager too. Is this standard practice? What sort of gift?  Thanks for suggestions or advice!

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Seems a bit over the top. We did thank you gifts for our neighbors who had to deal with our remodel, but for the architect and contractor? No. We paid them a lot to do their jobs. Leaving positive reviews would be enough IMO. 

Maybe a bottle of wine?

That is so thoughtful! I still remember, 25 years after the fact, farmers in Brentwood gifting my colleagues and I a big box of cherries they export to Japan after we completed a project for them. I think a gift certificate enough for a pretty nice dinner for 2 somewhere you like in SF or East bay would be very thoughtful! 

I don't know if it's standard practice, but we do tip our contractors at the end of a job (all employees that worked on the project). Cash is King- never the wrong color or fit, no one's allergic, everyone could use it, no one will return it. You could also write notes of appreciation/reference letters to share with potential future clients. For the higher level professionals, whatever cash you may be able to offer may seem a pittance to them, so referrals, positive reviews, and references may be more valuable.

This is so thoughtful of you! I imagine a hand written card, a small gift, and a great Google review would go a long way.

I would also love their info if you don't mind sharing. We're about to embark on a similar project and they sound like a dream team.

As a Project manager in residential construction I have been on both ends… companies I’ve worked for has given homeowners thank you gifts at end of a successful project… sometimes it’s a really nice bottle of wine, sometimes it’s a small kitchen appliance, or a nice throw for the sofa… it’s usually some geared to the homeowners and their interests. 

It’s not often on the contractor’s side, that we are used to getting many thank you gifts from clients. often times, they tend to think they’ve spent enough money already… so on behalf of project managers and designers alike, thank you for being mindful of the efforts to manage your project and see it through to completion. 
I think maybe a gift card for a massage or for a dinner for a Nice restaurant is a totally reasonable thank you gift.