Soccer team for 7 year old

Hello everyone, my -7-year-old son is interested in playing soccer, does anyone know if there is a local team at Berkeley? I have heard that there are teams who travel long distances to play against other teams. (I would prefer not to travel long distances). If anyone has any experience on the subject would be appreciated, thank you all.

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Traveling teams start at a MUCH older age than your son ... and even then it's your choice [although the non-competitive teams tends to peter out when the kids head to high school.  Registration for spring soccer in the Albany-Berkeley Soccer Club is now open.  I recommend you act fast.

If you are in South Berkeley, you could also consider East Bay United Soccer Club.


Hi there - my children both played in the fall with ABSC (Albany Berkeley Soccer Club). They also have a spring season which is enrolling now. It's all local, usually at the Gilman Fields.


We have more than a decade of club soccer experience in our house, so I feel like an expert on this topic! Soccer comes in two flavors, recreational and competitive. If he's just looking to play for fun (and you don't want to travel long distances!), look for recreational options. Albany Berkeley Soccer Club ( is probably the most local for you, and offers both rec and comp teams. You can also see a list of other clubs and sort it by city at Soccer doesn't usually have a residency requirement like some sports do, so you can choose the club that's the best fit for you. Ask around and see where other kids from school are playing - it helps with carpooling.


If your kid is new to soccer, I highly recommend

It’s not a team but a wonderful way to learn skills, scrimmage, and have fun playing in a non-competitive environment. Though my kid still tracks which team scores the most during scrimmages. The coaches are super encouraging and it’s just been a great way to explore soccer for my kid without the commitment of a team. 


In addition to all the other great recommendations, I would recommend you can look up by location we did soccer there for many years before my son was ready for more. They meet at Cedar Rose Park. Also two clubs combined to form and I have heard good things. 

We signed up for ABSC this spring and will see how it goes! 
