A salon for curly hair

Looking for a salon.

My children have curly hair and I’m looking for a salon that specializes in cutting and caring for curly or textured hair . 

Parent Replies

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We recommend Ashayla at Hype Salon on MacArthur Blvd in the Laurel district of Oakland. Link: https://hypesalonoakland.com/About/Staff


I don’t know how old your children are and whether that matters to the Salon, but I highly recommend Skye Salon on Piedmont Ave. Elvia is great with curly hair!


Hi, I have Used Elixir Salon. They have been cutting my kid's curly hair for the last two years. They are located at 1599 Hopkins St at Berkeley CA. (510) 526-1700


I’ve been to Jessica Earle and to be honest, have had the best haircut ever!  I don’t know if she cuts children’s hair, or if you’d like to spend that money for a kid’s haircut.  Highly recommend her though!


I can also highly recommend Jessica Earle! She does a great job on my curls. I know she offers kids haircuts, but haven't had my daughter see her just yet as she's only a year old now.


Jessica Earle on Piedmont is great with my kids' curly hair (and mine)! She gave both of them their first haircuts and has been cutting their hair ever since (they're teenagers now). I highly recommend her!  https://jessicaearle.net/


I'd just add Rose Bouvier at Golden Salon as well (https://www.goldensalonberkeley.com/), she's got waves herself and really understands different hair textures. My 6 year old daughter has curly hair and I have fine hair, and we both go to see her. Also the online booking is a breeze!


Another recommendation for Jessica Earle! She is great with curls and also a lovely person to chat w/ for an hour or so :)


I second Elvia at Skye Salon!