Residential Therapeutic School recommendation for 14 yr old

Hi There, I have a 14 yr old daughter who is dealing with anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation.  I would like to get any recommendation on IEP plan and placement by the school district into a residential program.  Also, need some help in shortlisting few therapeutic schools for her education needs.  

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Hi--I am a retired school social worker and can tell you it is very hard to get kids into residential treatment and there are few good treatment centers still open. Have you heard of and explored The Phillip's Academy in Alameda. They treat kids with some of your daughter's issues. You need to get them referred in an IEP and then it does not cost you anything. It would help to have the school psychologist on your side. Have they tested your daughter?

My son has been at 2 RTC's in Utah and I recommend Heritage in Provo. He was suffering from anxiety, depression, homicidal and suicidal ideation. There is a xl document with all of the NPS's in the US that are certified for California, that's the best document to use to short-list a school that would be more likely for district funding. We needed an education attorney for an IEP placement and had to unilaterally place and self-pay at first. Good luck and best wishes for the safety of your daughter. Willows in the Wind support group meeting is an excellent resource for support and understanding.

Willows in the Wind is an amazing local resource to help with questions like this. They have monthly parent support groups where you can talk to and get insights from parents in all stages of their journey with struggling teens. Their website also has a lot of useful information.
