Where can Scout troop have Sunday meetings?

Hello BPN community! I am looking for a space for our new girl scout troop to meet, somewhere in north oakland. The challenge is that we are hoping to meet on Sunday afternoons (twice a month) and have discovered that Sundays are tricky for finding meeting spaces. Libraries and rec. centers are largely closed. I am not affiliated with a church, but not closed off to the idea of meeting at one. Whether a church or a business, we are hoping to find someone willing to let us use their meeting space, fee rental waived.  A room large enough for around 30 people would be great, bigger or smaller also okay. Somewhere with fairly easy parking and on the North Oakland region. Our troop will meet to allow girls (2nd and 3rd grades) to build leadership skills and make plans to do community projects. Our troop will also raise funds to donate to local organizations. Please let me know if you think you can host us or if you know who we can contact. Thank you for your help!!

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