Math Support for Second Grader - Berkeley, Albany Area


My son is a second grader and has consistently been about 6 months behind in math & reading. He’s been getting interventions at school, but we think he needs more help. We recently started him in tutoring for reading and we were hoping to find someone for math. I’m wondering if anyone has any math specific tutor recommendations in the Berkeley/Albany area? 



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Hi Lindsay,

I also have a second grader with reading challenges.  We have been using school services, but I decided that a little more help would take us a long way.  He is seeing Joyce Kelley on the Berkeley Oakland Border.  She is great!   She understands kids and her goal is to get him to be an independent reader by 3rd grade.  We go once a week, but I think she usually sees kids twice a week.  Between school services, support from his teacher, us being really diligent about reading once a night at his level and Joyce he is making tremendous progress (still about a year behind though).  I am happy to chat.  Also, for both  reading and math I've heard good things about Kumon.

Hi Lindsay,

Our daughters have worked with Deb Brunelle. She’s an educational therapist who uses the making math real methodology.  She’s excellent and we’d recommend her highly.  She’s fully remote at this point, but my kids have very productive sessions with her.  
She’s at room to

I highly suggest Classroom Matters for tutoring.  I might also think about getting an outside evaluation to see if there is anything going that the school might have missed, and that could provide additional interventions.  If you do a search for psychological evaluation, testing, neuropsychology, adhd, dyscalculia, or dyslexia, you should surface some good recommendations.