Mandarin speaking after school program for 3rd grader?

Hi! We are a family in North Berkeley seeking for this school year 2023-2024 a Mandarin-speaking babysitter/tutor, afterschool program, or pod for our 7-year-old going into 3rd grade who has been in a Mandarin immersion school for the last two years. Does anyone know of anyone they would recommend or an afterschool program or pod? Thanks!

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You can look into Hanwen in Berkeley and Su Yun in Albany for aftercare for elementary school aged kids. 

I forgot to say that a good zoom tutor is Kyle Chen. She is incredibly engaging. My kindergartener who normally doesn’t like computer screens or talking to people on computer screens, played games and learned more vocabulary in half an hour and asked for more. Her games are creative as well. 


I'm not sure if she is taking any students but she's an excellent Mandarin teacher.  We met Coco Laoshi when she was a teacher at She Ren Mandarin Immersion school and my daughter attended.

cchinese2016 [at]


My daughter is at Hanwen and generally pleased with it (I mean, she would rather we pick her up and let her play on an iPad for hours and hours instead but haha, no). There's a 50 minute Chinese language session then the rest of the time is play time, which I feel is a good balance. They include a weekly Chinese painting/calligraphy class too. Oh and they offer optional enrichment lessons too (kung fu, piano, abacus).

I like that she has friends at her elementary school, then other people she hangs out with at the afterschool program that are from other Berkeley, Oakland, and Albany elementary schools. I think it's important to have friends in and out of school. The parents, teachers, and staff seem nice too.
