Looking for therapist to help coparents


I’m looking for recommendations for a therapist who will work with coparents on coming up with a common set of goals and structures for their 8 year old in their respective households. They have a good working relationship with each other but the environment in the two houses is very different  and it’s creating some difficulties for the child.  I’m looking for someone who will work with both parents on the high level goals and also on the details of the behavioral implementation. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated!

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I want to raise a big red flag about Julia Wallace, who is recommended in another message string beneath this one about therapists for co-parents. We saw her in February 2018 based on us seeing this very recommendation in BPN.  In the middle of what was a pretty normal session, she became furious and attacked me verbally, diagnosing me with autism and two other conditions after about two hours of conversation and insisting that we walk away from each other. We spent most of that session trying to calm Julia down and regain our balance.

It was all very troubling and potentially destructive for anyone who may already be fragile to begin with. I checked on Yelp and by coincidence another woman posted on the same day as my session about a very similar experience with Julia. It's really worrying that Julia's out there practicing. Thankfully, we survived and are now co-parenting an awesome 17-month-old boy. BTW I do hope BPN posts this warning. We trust the info on this site and there needs to be space for feedback on your postings. Thanks.