Looking to meet other parents-to-be in Berkeley

Hello there! My husband and I are new to Berkeley, and we are pregnant with our first child. We're really excited and nervous! Unfortunately, we don't have any friends in the area that are pregnant, or have young children. I wanted to ask for advice or see if there is interest in meeting for other young couples in the area that are expecting! I chose Kaiser Walnut Creek as my hospital, so I haven't had a chance to meet anyone near Berkeley. I'm thinking of starting prenatal classes at Namaste Yoga (anyone have reviews?) but I may not be able to go because of my work schedule. We're both in our late 20s, both vegan, love traveling, hiking, board games, and trying new activities! :)

Thanks for your help.

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I've been going to prenatal classes at both Namaste Yoga and Then Comes Baby (in Oakland), have loved both, and highly recommend! 

Then comes baby also has some other classes too like Infant CPR, baby sleep, etc

We are new parents in rockridge (1 mo old babe ) and would love to meet other new parents in the area! East coast transplants, easy going, and moved to the area about 6 months ago :)

Hi! Congratulations on your pregnancy! My husband and I are also expecting our first child this January. We moved to the Bay Area about three years ago, originally in San Mateo. We have relocated to Berkeley and are in a similar situation and don't know any other parents or soon-to-be parents. When is your baby due? I'm not familiar with prenatal classes at Namaste Yoga but it sounds very like it could be fun!