Looking for educational and psychological therapy for 13 yr old

Our daughter was diagnosed with inattentive-type ADHD at the end of first grade. Medication and tutoring in writing improved her schoolwork dramatically, but as time has passed it has become clear there are other issues. An assessment last summer said that while she has a 99th percentile IQ, she also has slow processing speed and specific learning disabilities in reading, writing, and arithmetic, the whole three R’s. She also becomes anxious easily, has emotional issues around being adopted, and is considered at risk for depression. She is an unusually compassionate and well-behaved kid. She has been in a private school since pre-K, where her learning issues have been informally accommodated. Our finances dictate that she will be going to Berkeley High, where we will be seeking an IEP. We hope to get her academic and psychological help in the immediate future and likely for several years. Cost is a concern, though money will be easier (though not easy) after this school year. We plan to continue with our writing tutor, whom our daughter adores. We’ve been advised that we should seek an educational therapist who can complement our tutor in reading, writing, and organization (leaving math issues for later), and help dealing with Berkeley High. Both the educational and psychological help has to be reasonably affordable. Please let us know what has worked for you! We are open to an independent educational therapist, or working with an organization like the Ann Martin Center or Strategies for Learning. Thanks!

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I hope you get numerous names for educational therapists thru your post. I wanted to alert you and others on this newsletter about a parent support group led by parents for parents with kids with learning disabilities. The group, called BOLD, meets monthly at Berkeley High. Their email address is BHSBOLDcontact [at] gmail.com.  Attending the meetings while your daughter is still in middle school might help prepare you for the issues you’ll face getting your child the accommodations she’ll need in the future.

been there/done that!

Sounds like she's a 2E kid (Twice exceptional).  Summit Center might have some recommendations.  There's also an active community of families with kids who have the same issues. Holy Names and Raskob are both resources for finding an ed therapist.

You might be interested in this software intervention that addresses processing speed: 


It's scientifically validated to help children with processing speed issues. I have not used it with my children, but I have friends who have used it for their children with good results. 

We had a great experience with the Summit Center in Walnut Creek. They specialize in issues that concern gifted kids, including those with learning issues, ADHD, etc. (“twice exceptional”— 2E, as they say). Many gifted kids are very sensitive, intuitive, and are big “feelers.” They can consequently suffer from intense anxiety and/or depression. 

Summit Center has a number of services, including testing and therapy (including educational therapy). https://summitcenter.us/services/educational-therapy/

You can reach them at (925) 939-7500. Good luck!