After-school classes or activities near EC for a kindergartner

Hello parents! I have a new kindergartner who is with a babysitter after school M-F to bridge the gap between end of school and end of the workday. I'm looking for some recreation activities/ classes for her to participate in during the afternoon period. I'm coming up quite short. It seems like the only classes offered are connected to the public school after-school care programs (which isn't broadly accessible at our school currently!). Any ideas for art / movement / science (really anything!) classes for her between 2-ish and 6-ish during the week? I'm in El Cerrito, but we can do a bit of driving! Thanks for the suggestions.

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You know, in my experience, kindergarten is a tough, long day for these little kids. (My kids are now 12 & 14) If she is safe and well cared for with the babysitter, and it's a lot of chill downtime... I think that's okay, especially this fall during the transition to the new routine. There's a whole world of afterschool activities but honestly, no rush, let her relax after school for now!

In the next year or so, you might want to check out gymnastics at the EC community center for some exercise and movement. But it involves a lot of waiting in lines for your turn... which you get plenty of in K, so I wouldn't say do it now.

Check out el Cerrito recreation, Albany rec, ans KASEP in Kensington … you will find many options! Good luck

iFlip just opened next to Costco and offers gymnastics classes for kiddos. I’d bet they have something in the 3 or 4 o’clock range.