Hiring a D&D DM for birthday gathering

Hi - my daughter (10) is interested in having a D&D themed birthday party, and we are looking to hire a DM who has experience being a DM for novice D&D players and can create a fun D&D adventure for kids for a birthday gathering (most have some experience playing). It would be great if we could find a female college or high-school aged DM who has been a DM for kids of various D&D levels, but open to all recommendations.  We saw there was a posting back in April this year, but it seems like some of the high schooler or college aged DMs are not in the area or not interested, so wanted to see if there are any leads on a DM currently available in Berkeley. Thanks!

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Hi, We did this last year from my 10 year old's birthday party and it was a hit!  I reached out to It's Your Move games on Telegraph in Oakland and was able to hire two college age DMs for game due to the number of players.  You can email Chris Specker at ITSYOURMOVEGAMES [at] yahoo.com.


I have the perfect recommendation! Try Nat Taylor who leads D&D and other RPGs at Games of Berkeley. Nat is a non-binary person who creates games specifically to draw in women, girls, and other people who are not your typical unwashed male D&D crowd (sorry to say it that way but you can usually smell the BO from a D&D game from a block away). Nat is warm, thoughtful, silly, good-humored, and enthusiastic about getting people involved in the game.

Nat is not college-aged though. We played college women's rugby together 20 years ago...

You can just Google their name and "Games of Berkeley" and you'll find their Facebook profile. You can also DM me and I will pass on their contact!

There is a wonderful DM in Alameda that works for D20 games and runs the tween Wednesday group from 4-6pm (and the Thursday parent/adult+tween group that I've been doing with my son). He can really engage with this age group and runs some really fun campaigns- I would recommend contacting D20 games or I can ask him if I can DM you his direct contact.

I would reach out to It's Your Move Games in Oakland as they have a number of very good DMs who run their youth programs. My son has attended their programs for years and all of the DMS have been amazing. I'm sure they would be happy to share your request with their DMs to find the right fit.  

Highly recommend Teddy at Bay Area RPG. My kids do a weekly campaign with him and have also done two summer camps.

This would be a great question for the folks at It's Your Move Games on Telegraph -- I imagine they know most of the people in the area who do this sort of thing, and they host regular women-and-femmes events. They do have a guy there who runs a kids' D&D group on a weekly basis; my kid isn't old enough to participate, but we see them when we're there playing games and the guy really does remarkable work corralling a table full of kids.