Good Therapist for Young Adult woman

Thanks for any suggestions for a good therapist to work with a wonderful young woman who's needing help socializing and building friendships in her remote work world.  She's naturally shy and has been working remotely since Covid changed the work world in March 2020.  She likes her job but it's 95% remote and she's gotten very isolated socially.  She's active, works out, always doing something but on her own.  She's tried meetups, volunteering, etc. -- but needs more help to stick with it and develop some friendships.  Thanks for thoughts of a therapist who can work with her to take these steps and also understand that this new remote work world requires new ways to make good friends.  Many of us made good friends through our work worlds, I did, and built social networks.  It also helps to be around people who are thinking bigger, involved, figuring out their futures.  Thx much...

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If she is open to therapy via video call, I highly recommend - she is wonderfully empathetic and you really feel like she is on your side and wants to help you to have the best life you can have.