Basketball for 9 year old girl beginner

My nine-year-old daughter has expressed an interest in joining a basketball team. She has played just for fun with her brother and dad but doesn't really know how to play, so needs a clinic, class or noncompetitive team open to beginners. Are there other options in the area besides the YMCA? How are the classes at the Y? For down the road, what options are there for local girls' teams for this age group? 

Thank you,

New to basketball.

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Check with your local parks department for camps and programs, also check cities nearby you. Albany UC Village may have something as well.

My son has enjoyed classes and camps run by long-time Berkeley basketball coach Rick Slettedahl. Coach Rick is supportive and encouraging of all children who want to learn basketball skills, and particularly girls learning to play. Your daughter could try one of his classes or summer camps.

My 11-year-old basketball-newbie son took the class at UC Village with Coach Rick ( this winter and really liked it. There were some girls in the class. Seems like a good program, and reasonably priced (especially with a UC affiliation). My son is following up with a week of camp at the same program this summer.