Experience with Doug's Drama Camp?

Anyone have recent experience with Doug's Drama Camp @ Montclair School? My child is five so this will be her first year in camp. She loves performance art and so I really like that this is a two week long experience. I'm curious about the adult/child ratio, how the day is structured, how the staff do discipline, whether or not it's a loud & chaotic environment...

Other recommendations are welcome. We're in Oakland. Thank you!!

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We loved it for the following reasons. Doug is very nice and easy going with the kids, the plays are not too serious -- lots of room for fun and silliness which is great at making the kids comfortable on stage -- which is a biggie! Once they've overcome that hurdle, the acting skills then take shape. Doug is great with molding that all. It's a great place for the creative drama types! And it's been great for my kind of shy and easily embarrassed son, who generally doesn't want to do ANY camps unless he knows someone, except for Doug's. He doesn't care if he doesn't know anyone, he just has fun and loves it!

My 2nd grader has gone for the past two summers and LOVED it. I would describe the atmosphere as relaxed and silly. They have a good amount of free play time but plenty of organized practice and fun storytelling/ drama games. It seems to work well for a range of temperaments.