Double Chin (Kybella, Ultherapy or Lipo)

Would like to tackle my residual double chin.  Has anyone done Kybella, Ulterapy or Lipo to reduce the appearance of your double chin and to refine your jawline.  If so, I would love to know about your experience, hear your feedback or insights and, if satisfied with the results, the name of your provider.

Feel free to contact me personally at oyveyenough [at]


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I suggest avoiding Kybella. I had several treatments done by a very reputable and accomplished doctor, and while it did reduce the fat deposit significantly it did not tighten the skin. Even more importantly, I developed thyroid disease after the treatment. While I do not have definitive proof of the connection between Kybella and thyroidosis, I would be very careful with this procedure. I believe Lipo is a safer bet, it has been around longer, and does not involve dissolution of tissue. Hope this helps.