Counselor for student with LD, transition from community college to 4 year college

My daughter, 19 years old, has diagnosed learning issues (attention, short term memory, anxiety) and has been taking classes at our local community college.  She is interested in transferring to a 4 year college and needs help in finding good fit.  Looking for  recommendations of counselors that specialize in college placement of students with LD.

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We used Rebecca Field: She specializes in college admissions and support for kids with LD. She was incredibly helpful and had a good rapport with our son. Good luck with this transition

Melissa Masland in Walnut Creek. 925.212.8915

I don't have a college counselor to recommend, but if you're looking at state schools, we found that Humboldt State provided very good support for my daughter with LD. Their office of disabilities is located in the same building as the library (less stigmak if that is an issue), the counselors were knowledgeable, and they have a relatively comprehensive peer tutoring program (open and easily accessible to all students, not only kids with diagnosed LD).  We found the majority of teachers to be very open to the accommodations and when she had to do a late withdrawal because one particular teacher was a horrible match, the disabilites office signed off (kind of a big deal, they had an early drop date which they were strict about). They were also very open to what I think was an appropriate level of parental support / involvement, which I don't think is always the case. One down-side is that there are very few professional tutors in that area - my daughter was used to working with one here, so had to make the adjustment to peer tutors who don't understand LD.  Good luck with this process!