Any sports/outdoor camps the week of August 13??

Hi parents! My 5.5 year old son has a week of from his preschool/kindergarten and I was looking for an in-person camp (preferably in the East Bay but SF or North Bay is fine too). I would love for him to spend time outdoors and he would love to do basketball (so a hiking or organized sports camp would be great). But ALL camps seem to end by Aug. 13! Anyone know of anything offering something the week of Aug 13? THANKS!

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There seems to be a single spot left (right now) for a kindergarten aged kiddo at Steve and Kate's camp in oakland for the week of Aug 16! Hosted at Park Day school

I think Trackers' Bay still has space for Grade K in the North Bay location for the weeks of Aug. 9-14 and Aug. 16-20.  Caveat that we have never attended Trackers' Bay camps so have no idea re their quality, safety, etc.

We just signed up for 510 Camp for the week of Aug. 16, so they are open for the previous week. Not a sports oriented camp but it’s outdoors and they keep kids very engaged.