Moderating Posts

All posts on BPN are reviewed by a moderator before they are published to make sure they follow BPN's policies. BPN's moderator are parents who have typically been volunteering on BPN for more than 10 years. See BPN Moderators for a list of our volunteers.

Moderators are usually able to review posts within a few days after they are submitted, but it can sometimes take up to 7 days. All posts are reviewed before the weekly newsletter is mailed. See the List of BPN Newsletters for when each newsletter is mailed.

Rejected Posts.  If your post is rejected, the moderator will usually notify you of the reason. Contact us if you aren't sure why your post was rejected. You can view the status of all your posts on your account page.

Be nice to the moderators. The moderators are all volunteers who are donating their time to keep BPN running. All the moderators are parents, and most of them also have jobs. We ask subscribers to be polite in their dealings with moderators. Causing trouble for the BPN moderators, such as repeatedly emailing them to complain about BPN's policies or decisions, can result in losing your BPN subscription, per this policy:  Revoking a Subscription