Tips and Sass Organizing

Community Subscriber
Penny McClish
tipsandsassorganizing [at]

Professional Organizing for home, office & more!

Your home is your sanctuary, your safe space. Clutter and disorganization can lead to anxiety, stress and too much boxed wine! I will come to you & personally assist in re-thinking, re-designing and re-purposing your existing space into a productive, creative and peaceful environment.

I specialize in alternative lifestyles; ever been worried about being judged or shamed for your unique decor style, flamboyant personality or interesting collection hidden behind that closet door? Well, I'm your alternative organizer and I specialize in working with alternative folks. But don't worry, a focus is not an exclusion; all organizing style needs are valid and I'm here to help.

Contact me for a free consult today!

LGBTQIA+ friendly

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