Teen girl talk to Tween girls re: social media?

Hi! A few other Moms of Berkeley 6th graders and I were talking about our fears as our kiddos enter the social media world of tik tok, snapchat, etc. We are all taking various approaches but it occurred to me that I know my tween would be waaaaaay more interested in listening to an older teen on advice about staying safe online than anything she will hear from me or the movies and whatever else I am making her watch. Lol! Do you have an older teenager who has some good interest in this area and might be interested in talking to a bunch of 11/12yo kids (who I think all ID as girls and most of them as straight or bi)? Thinking having a few teens hang out with the girls over ice cream or something and talk social media realities/safety/etc might be great. Parents of the tweens would probably be somewhere nearby. We would pay the teens of course for their time and wisdom, of course! Sunday late afternoons are preferable. Thanks in advance for asking your teen and spreading the word!

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I have a 14 year old freshman daughter.  She'd had access to computers and iPads (with messaging) for a while and got her first phone in 8th grade.  She's not on any of the social platforms and feels connected enough with text/iMessage and IRL communities like sports and band.  I just thought I'd put it out there that not every teen is on social meeting and staying off it is a real option.