Support Group for Empty Nesters?

Thinking about my second child leaving for college next fall and already anticipating having a hard time as an empty nester. Would love to know about any groups that exist for me to join after he leaves. There must be others who need support with this as well! Preferably in-person but online could work as well. Thanks!

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I don't have any recommendations for you, but I was DREADING my second (last) leaving for a lonnnnnngggggg time, and I was very surprised at how quickly I adjusted to the change (she went this past fall). There are some pros to look forward to, like more mental space freed up, a clean and tidy house, more quiet time, etc. - plus, it's not too long before you see them again - they have a lot of breaks, and parents' weekend, summer, etc. AND it's so easy for them to be in touch these days. Good luck!