Berkeley High vs. Other High Schools

Parent Q&A

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  • Hello,

    My child currently attends an independent K-8 school, and we're exploring high school options. Berkeley High School (BHS) is at the top of our list due to its diverse programs, but we're concerned about issues related to drugs and violence. I've read that El Cerrito High faces similar challenges, albeit on a smaller scale.

    I'm particularly interested in understanding how the acceptance rates of Berkeley High students into UC Berkeley compare with those of El Cerrito High students. I've heard that while BHS has traditionally been a feeder school for UC Berkeley, El Cerrito High might now have a higher probability of its students being accepted.

    Could anyone share insights on this? I don't need exact statistics, but it would be helpful to know if El Cerrito High indeed has an advantage over BHS when it comes to UC Berkeley admissions.


    You can actually get definitive statistics on this. El Cerrito had a 22% acceptance rate for its applicants to UC Berkeley, while Berkeley High had a 14% acceptance rate.…

    There are some exact statistics (check SF Chronicle, which does an article annually) but all that past data goes out the window now that it has been made illegal to consider race. College admissions were chaotic this year according to all the college prep podcasts I listen to, and it's going to take a couple of years for it to settle down and have reasonable trends to actually factor into college planning. 

    What really struck me about your post was that you have an 8th grader at the very beginning of 8th grade, and you seem stressed about college already. I (wizened parent of 9th & 11th graders) would really encourage you to support your child this year as they navigate a very big transition, and encourage them to enjoy their last year of middle school without any talk of college - in fact, try to minimize incessant talk about high school. College is a really long way away and it's impossible to know now what your student will want or need in his/her college experience. Choose a high school based on the environment that will be most fun and supportive for your student, a convenient commute for your family, with challenge opportunities in the upper years, and lots of activities of interest to them. Activities are critical for making friends, especially entering from a non-feeder middle school. Ask your student what their interests are, and together look at the school websites to see if they exist on those campuses. Attend an event or two at both schools you're considering to assess their vibes.  Most of all, enjoy having a middle schooler! It's a much easier parenting stage than high school, I promise!

    Cal takes a holistic approach to admissions - they also really look to diversify their student body through first gen, low income kids. It also depends on what your kid might want to study. Computer science had an acceptance rate of 1% for freshman last year. But I think changing the mindset here is probably your best bet. Send your child to the high school that will be the best fit overall. Your child can be successful without a UC Berkeley degree. 

    - signed a parent of a college student who does not attend Cal and a senior at BHS. 

    One of the responders provided a link to UC admission statistics on the SF Chronicle website. The SF Chronicle website is great, but I just wanted to add that there is also an official UC admission numbers by high school website, which can be found here:

    To see exact numbers, select the UC campus, the source school, and the year. 

    I also wanted to comment on the second responder's statement that "past data goes out the window now that it has been made illegal to consider race". This is simply not true. California universities have not been allowed to consider race since 1996, when Proposition 209 banned the consideration of race in admissions. The acceptance rates to UC Berkeley from Berkeley High and El Cerrito High have been quite stable from year to year, and will likely be similar in the next few years. 

    Best of luck to you and your child!

    I just have to correct the incorrect information in the reply from Anonymous on Sept 7 ... The Univ of California stopped considering race in admissions 28 years ago!  So there's no need to 'take a couple of years for it settle down"... at least, not for UC Berkeley, for which you are asking about.

    Also, I find nothing in your post that suggested you are "stressed."  You're asking about admissions to UC Berkeley because you think that's a criteria for selecting a high school since you're child is in 8th grade.  Seems like you are doing your due diligence on picking a high school as a parent of an 8th grader, so congratulations for thinking ahead!

    Now, regarding your questions... some schools keep statistics on admissions from their high school students, such as the GPA, AP course count, SAT scores of students which were accepted, waitlisted, rejected, from each college.  Maybe you can reach out to those high schools to get that information.  

    From my experience, college generally compare students only from the same high school.  They aren't allowed to compare across high schools because each school has different courses available and different grading policies and AP policies.  So, one thing to consider is how would you kid compare to the top students in Berkeley High and El Cerrito High?  If most kids getting into UC Berkeley are taking 10 APs, then your kid would need to do similarly in order to be a competitive applicant.  Look more at how many kids get into UC Berkeley and what the background, stats, qualifications of those kids that get in and see which one might better match your kid.

    If you aren’t zoned for El Cerrito High, it will be difficult to get in, and may even be difficult if you are zoned and haven’t been there for k-8.  Although there is supposed to be a spot for you if you are zoned, and there is no room, they can divert you elsewhere. Anyway, the posters are correct. The data is available on the UC website and SF Chronicle has run several articles about admit rates across California

    El Cerrito consistently does very well in regard to UC admissions. It is not a school without challenges, but both of my kids went there and had a great time and came out well educated. Band and dance programs are great, there’s a great IT academy, plenty of clubs and sports, and is more diverse racially and economically than Berkeley High.There’s good parent support. Both of my kids got into top UCs and got exposure to and made friends with all sorts of different people. We feel really lucky that was available to them.

    For the person who said schools now have to contend with being race-blind….the UC’s have been race blind since Prop 209 passed in 1996. It had an immediate negative effect across many different indicators. Those results are on the UC website as well. Google, “Research and Analyses on the impact of Prop 209 in CA.”

    UC itself provides soooo many statistics on acceptance here: That said, while my child was UC-eligible, she was not interested in any UC campus and chose, completely on her own, a small, private, women's college, where she was excited to be there every day and did really well. Now, applying to graduate schools, she still is looking for the personal environment of a small campus. I agree with the previous poster to let your kid be a kid and enjoy school where they are with activities, clubs, and classes that interest them and not all about focus on one particular college years into the future. Good luck!

    Another source for definitive statistics is UC Admissions by source school:…;

    However, it does not provide information on the specific majors or fields applicants applied to, which makes a huge difference in admissions.

    I have a 10th grader at BHS. If your student wants to get into AC or BIHS, there is probably a high chance of getting it, but nothing is guaranteed at BHS, the Small Learning Community(SLC), the classes your student might want to take, etc. Your student put down what they want to take, but no guarantees.

    Regarding drugs and violence, it hasn't been a problem for my student.  It depends on your student, the type of friends he might seek out, etc.

    Thanks everyone for sharing your insights, totally appreciate it. The admission stats link you've provided is very helpful!! Please note that I'm not stressed out, my kid wants to go to BHS  and we're collecting data points to see which school is a better fit for him. Thanks again!

    Reply now  »
  • After sending our kid to private school for elementary and middle school, we decided on Berkeley High to give her a broader experience before she goes off to college.  There absolutely seems to be every kind of group at this school including the nice nerdy kids we would prefer for her to hang out with.  I should mention she has always excelled academically so we thought she would kind of gravitate toward that group of people.  Alas, we aren't crazy about the friends she is choosing. And being in universal 9th grade isn't helping as she isn't always surrounded by kids without her academic inclination.   And while staying at Berkeley High, could be a great social learning experience, it could also derail her.  And we obviously want the best for her.  That makes me wonder what our options might be.  More private school is probably out of our budget but maybe we could make it work.  I'm also wondering about other high schools in the area and thinking that perhaps we could try for a transfer.  But I'm not sure if other schools in the area are any better.  The two I might want to try for would be Albany High School or Piedmont.  Anyone been here and found another school?  Please no haters in the response.  I know BHS is a good school, just maybe not a fit for my kid. 

    Every school has its warts, and sadly, Piedmont High School is no different.  That said, my daughter's sophmore peer group is pulling her up in terms of college readiness (i.e. collaborative vs competitive) and there have been opportunities in this district that would've been denied in our previous school district.  Inter-district transfers start in your home district though.  If they do not approve the transfer, it is a non-starter.  I wonder if it'll go through given that you are able to afford private school anyways.  (i.e. the school district will lose your family either way)  PUSD starts accepting paperwork on March 1st.  I think some 60%+ of families attending PUSD donate to the Annual Giving campaign.  The ask is under $3k per year per student to help fund a diverse offering of AP classes, access to these classes, and smaller class sizes.  I'm under the impression that the state only funds about 60% of PUSD's budget, so there will always be compromises that you might not see in a well-heeled private school setting.  I think ideally, your daughter would have her future courses, athletics, and extras mostly mapped out to see if PHS can deliver.

    “…we decided on Berkeley High to give her a broader experience…” “…the nice nerdy kids we would prefer for her to hang out with.”

    It seems to me that you, not your daughterweren’t ready for your daughter to have broader experiences. Part of her having broader experiences is going to mean that she will interact with people she might not have otherwise encountered. Not to be mean, but I get the impression that you believed she would see the diversity of the Berkeley High population, but as a spectator. Instead, she is engaging with kids she might never have met otherwise, spreading her wings a bit, and finding out for herself what the world has to offer and where she wants to be.

     I am not saying that your concern about her academic performance is inappropriate. On the contrary, I think it is important that you support her commitment to being a good student, and remind her that she is intelligent and should continue to invest in her intelligence. However, I think you need to have faith that she can be a good student and socialize with people of her own choosing.

    If her grades have dropped off some, don’t take this to mean that she needs to be moved to some other school (I want to point out that you are considering moving her to schools in places that are wealthier and whiter than Berkeley.) It isn’t uncommon for a student’s grades to take a dip when starting at a new school, especially high school. They are managing a lot of new experiences - the expectations for high schoolers are more challenging and complex. More subject matter choice, very different time management approaches, greatly different social experiences. This is the first step towards learning to be an adult. Sheltering her will only mean she’ll have to learn all of these things in college, instead of having had some time to acquire and practice these skills. Remember, college freshmen are confronted with a whole new set of situations to manage and for which they need to develop skills. School isn’t just about the academics.

    It may help you to know that colleges aren’t especially concerned with 9th grade transcripts. If her grades aren’t great they look for steady improvement. They are interested in extracurricular activities too. 
    So, my advice is to leave her at BHS. One semester isn’t enough to see how she is functioning in this new environment. Continue to place emphasis on your expectations of academic performance (but be supportive). And don’t try to manage her social relationships. She will make the decisions about with whom to spend time regardless of what you want. You are fortunate that she feels close enough to you to tell you about (and even have over where you can meet them) her friends. Expressing disapproval won’t cause her to stop seeing these people, but it will almost certainly cause her to be more secretive. And remember, your concerns are about your discomfort more than being about her choices.

    Good luck!

    SF Mom

    The good news is, at a school that big BHS has EVERY type of kid and there definitely are plenty of nice nerdy kids! The bad news is that your daughter isn't gravitating towards them. Is she interested in theatre or the arts, yearbook or journalism? Or music/band/choir/dance production? Those are usually good places to meet the cool but quirky kids. When my son went there a few years ago there were a plethora of special interest clubs which are another good way to meet kids and do activities other than just "hang out and get high". Chess or board game clubs come to mind as a likely place to meet " the nerds" LOL. Encourage (or force?) her to join a club or participate in a sport. Sports are a great way to connect with nice kids who are focused and have a common interest. My advice for getting through high school is just keep her busy with activities she's interested in, too much down time is a recipe for trouble. I don't have advice on other schools but if the main issue is that you don't like the friends she's picking she may just end up finding those same type of kids at a new school. Albany High is usually accepting transfers if you can get BUSD to release you. But no guarantee it will be any better, that school also has social challenges.

    Keep her busy and engaged, also look for opportunities for her to connect with kids outside of BHS. My son made some cool (but kinda nerdy) friends through his involvement in 4-H, Sea Cadets, Scouting, Karate and volunteering with East Bay Regional Parks. Best of luck- high school is tough but BHS really is a great place for learning if you can keep her on track. 


We have had experiences with both CPS and Berkeley High (BHS).  I think the most important issue for kids like yours is the ability to find a cohort of friends of the same type. CPS, just like regular American high schools, is dominated socially by "popular" kids--rich, white, suburban-mentality type. BHS is the same but with a slightly more international flair because of the IB program. But BHS has a huge student population so that every type of kids will find their own group and be comfortable. In CPS, that is luck, depending on what types of students happened to be admitted that year.  Because of the small student population, the socially dominate group tends to have an outsized impact on the overall social dynamics of the school, and can be clique-y and exclusive.  CPS has smart kids, but not outlier-level of smartness.  The school has a bottom line to worry about, understandably, and of course, all the diversity quota to be filled.  CPS is best for students with above average academics but lack of self discipline. A truly academically outlier kid may suffocate there by the very heavy "busy" homework load. As a comparison, the 9th grade homework load at CPS is probably equivalent to a Junior or senior in BHS that takes 4 or more APs with at least 2 in hardcore STEMs. There is a lot of content feeding at CPS (not a lot of thinking though).  

BHS is a typical public school, and the quality of teachers is hit-or-miss, with more misses than hits. But their advanced math program is excellent and for once, teaching to the top (doing proofs to understand why rather than memorization), and the advanced math teachers truly care about the students and are very responsible.  Because the homework load is not heavy at BHS, the students have more time to do all sorts of extracurricular activities, and BHS offers so many opportunities for kids to be involved in the community. Kids learn a lot of soft skills at BHS. To be fair, BHS is not for everyone. Your kid has to be independent (academically) and knows what he/she wants in life so as not to be sucked into drugs/sex etc.

As for the crazy parties, drugs, sex, etc, both schools have it.  CPS has a lot of kids who suffer from depression.  Although they offer a mental counselor onsite, it does not solve the root causes of the problem.  The school administration is really good at suppressing this issue, and like all private schools, spends a big effort on "branding" and "reputation".  At the end of the day, neither schools are perfect, and you will have to make a choice based on the needs of your kid.  I personally would never consider sending another kid to CPS. We entered BHS with our eyes wide-open, knowing all their issues as well as opportunities, and ended up very happy.  Please feel free to reach out to me if you want to know more. Best wishes to your kid!

Archived Q&A and Reviews


Berkeley High or a private school without Common Core?

Sept 2015

We are considering options for high school and are wondering how BHS families feel about the school as a whole and also if you have noticed significant changes in the curriculum or school environment since Berkeley transitioned to the Common Core curriculum? Are teachers happy with the changes, and how do families feel about the new curriculum and the overall environment? Our options include staying where we are at and attending one of the Lamorinda high schools (probably least desirable from our daughter's perspective), moving to Berkeley to attend Berkeley High, or the different private schools like CPS, Head-Royce, Athenian, or Bentley. I'd love to hear from families at BHS and the various private schools about what you like and dislike about your school, and also about what the homework levels and overall experience has been like for your kid.

In our current district we also found that with the switch to the Core Core there was less and less time devoted to literature and creative work and more time spent doing test prep and worksheets, as well as less opportunity for differentiation. Our younger daughter moved to a smaller progressive K-8 school in Berkeley last year, and our older daughter decided to join her this year. Our daughter is interested in BHS because it's more diverse and is intrigued by the IB and music programs. She's a focused student who loves science and literature, and her reading level/vocabulary was assessed at the post-college graduate level last year. She was assessed at the Summit Center a few years ago as being in the highly/profoundly gifted range, but she wants to have the full high school experience versus doing something like an early entrance to college program. She is a kid who really likes forming a relationship with her teachers and enjoys being around other kids who are excited about learning, but she also enjoys having a life outside school and pursuing other interests like sports and music. She's also a kid who can be a little on the shy side and tends to be more comfortable in smaller groups, so I also wonder if Berkeley High could be a little overwhelming, or whether she would find her niche there?
in limbo

If you decide to go the private school route, you should also look at Maybeck High School in Berkeley. It sounds like your daughter might be an excellent fit at Maybeck. The classes are small and taught seminar style, so there's lots of interaction with the teachers. And many of the classes are equivalent to college level courses. For example, this term my junior daughter is taking an introduction to Western Philosophy (Eastern is next semester), a seminar on ''Don Quixote,'' calculus and yoga (plus science and Spanish). There are many very bright kids there. It's been a great fit for my academically advanced and shy daughter. Maybeck is not the right school for everyone, but for the ones that find it to be a good fit, it's a wonderful school. Maybeck Mom

Given your daughter's preference for smaller classes, you might want to explore Maybeck High School in Berkeley. It's a remarkable place, certainly not perfect (no school is perfect!!), but nevertheless a wonderful high school where students can find intellectual challenge (if they want) and supportive, engaged and really good teachers. Good luck with your search! Been There

My son attended private schools through elementary/middle school, but we were seriously considering Berkeley HS for high school. We ended up choosing Bentley high school, and so far we are very happy with it. You did mention Bentley in your list, but I feel like it's an undiscovered gem for Berkeley residents, many of whom don't seem to have even heard of it. People are always like, ''Lafayette?? Isn't that far away?'' but in fact if you live near or in the Berkeley Hills you can get there in 20 minutes; or 15 if you live in the Elmwood or Rockridge area. They also run a shuttle to/from BART. We visited a number of private schools, and were very impressed with the quality of the teaching at Bentley. CPS is excellent too, but harder to get into, and reportedly the kids there get TONS of homework. So far the homework load at Bentley seems quite reasonable. Berkeley Bentley family

My daughter is a sophomore at BHS, in IB. If your daughter is used to Lamorinda and private schools, BHS will be a huge culture shock, just in how diverse the population is. And it's just a HUGE school...thousands of kids. My daughter went to public Berkeley schools from Kindergarten, is quite social, and STILL had a hard first few months at BHS. She is happy this year in IB, though, and is definitely finding her social niche, but it was a big adjustment. She says most of her teachers are very good, knowledgable, and responsive to her. There is a LOT of homework compared to middle school, but she is inspired by the teachers, and wants to please them, and is, so far, doing well. She also has many hours of her sport each week, so as time goes on, we will see if she is able to manage it all.

Just know that your daughter may not get her first choice of IB; if she wants a large school, she will need to list both AC and IB, and will be assigned to one of them. My daughter has friends in AC who love it too. I recommend the large schools over the small schools, as socially, the small schools can be stifling. I have heard rumors that BHS is gradually going to phase out AC, eventually converting the whole school to IB, because IB is exempt from the Common Core requirements, but that may be just a rumor...hopefully someone more knowledgeable on BPN here will chime in... Best of luck with your decision. BHS mom

Have you thought about El Cerrito High School as a public alternative to BHS? My child visited both and happily choose El Cerrito. The block schedule gives teachers (and students) a lot more class time to go in depth into the material, and most teachers view Common Core as an advantage toward their creativity as teachers. In two years at ECHS, my child has had very few worksheets, and a lot of writing and work from primary sources. The music, dance and sports programs are well run and give opportunity to students of all levels. The closed campus and just 1,300 students make it much less chaotic than BHS. The all-new facilities are also very nice and clean. The principal and staff are friendly and approachable. Good Luck!

Your question is all over the map but I wanted to give my 2 cents. I'm a BHS parent in the IB program and happy with our experience so far, but no way would I move out of your school district just to attend BHS. If she wants diversity and new experiences, she could apply to study abroad someplace for a year or hunt around for an unusual volunteer experience. If she's as bright as you say she is, I would imagine she'd find a great fit in one of the private high schools you mentioned. Sure she could make something good happen for herself at BHS but it would be a major struggle for her to be able to enroll in the advanced classes she probably wants.
The grass ain't greener over here.

Our son is a freshman at BHS, so we're new to the school, and might have a somewhat rosy vision about things, but -- so far, so good. His teachers are engaged and engaging [they do know who our son is, even though he’s a very quiet student], and their ideas and comments have been great. His math teacher is excellent, and is highly motivated to teach CC, which she says she's been essentially teaching for the past 9 years, just without that name. Having come from King, we've experienced CC's roll-out, and are relatively pleased with how it's being taught at BUSD. So much of it is how the teacher handles it, and we've been lucky as so far our son has had a pretty good experience.

BHS is a very well-regarded school, and there are an enormous number of extraordinarily bright and motivated students attending. It's a really good energy for our kid, who is bright, but not too motivated. He has friends who tested into both Honors Math and Algebra 2 as freshman, and another friend is taking AP Chemistry as a sophomore; those are just some examples of the opportunities for advanced work at BHS.

Homework has been lighter than we expected so far: one math page per weeknight, some Spanish on the weekends, and an occasional minor project in his other classes.

Good luck with your decision. You seem to have many good options!

In terms of gifted students at Berkeley High -- there are quite a few, if one judges by National Merit Scholars and Commended Scholars -- obviously no one knows anyone's IQ scores, and presumably most families don't know, aside from the GATE testing in elementary school. Every year many students the senior class end up at Ivies, top liberal arts schools, and UCLA or UCB.

Music (especially Jazz), drama, and art can be pursued at a high level, and there are many sports and extracurriculars which is where many students find ''homes.''

Will your child get the same one-on-one attention they would at a small private school? Unlikely since most classes will have about 30 students, and some higher level classes are significantly larger than that. On the other hand, many students find that this is balanced by getting to know a wide range of other people. This is an opportunity that many BHS students and families appreciate, as it is rare in our increasingly stratified society.

Your questions about Common Core are hard to answer as it is still at the beginning stages.

My student (now in college at an Ivy) feels reasonably well-prepared academically, and glad to have had such a diverse friendship group. anon

Berkeley High vs. El Cerrito High School?

March 2013

Wondering if any parents can talk to me about the pros/cons of Berkeley and El Cerrito High Schools? I'm specifically interested in Spanish language classes (our kids are in Dual Immersion programs right now- Spanish/English), AP classes, and extra curricular activities like sports and music. Thanks. Future HS parent

I don't know a lot about ECHS but here's my short assessment of BHS: It is an amazing school for the right kid and a terrible school for the wrong kid. It is a huge school, and especially in the large programs (AC and IB) it is very easy for kids to fall through the cracks. It is easy to skip classes and fail classes without anyone noticing or talking to the kids or parents. The proximity to downtown Berkeley and Telegraph Ave. provides temptations galore.

On the other hand, if your student is motivated, self-directed and good at advocating for him/herself, it is a vibrant, exciting place. BHS has tons of excellent extra-curricular activities, 75 sports teams, clubs of every imaginable kind (anime, math, public service, etc) and great music, dance and arts programs. BHS has more AP classes than any kid should ever take, but many take them all, which also makes it very academically competitive.

I have heard that ECHS is like BHS-lite, i.e., similar but scaled down in size and academics. I have no idea if that is true... --happy BHS parent

Best Public High School in Berkeley Area?

Dec 2009

Friends from Philadelphia are moving to the Berkeley area to be near family, and they can move anywhere, really. So they want to move where their 7th and 9th grade boys can attend the best public high school. The kids have always attended a private school in Phila. that has a nurturing faculty, a rigorous curriculum, and very challenging and demanding academic standards. They are thriving there, and my friends want to continue along the same vein. However, they want to send them to a public school and not spend the money on tuition for private schools. Additionally, they would like their kids to have the opportunity to attend a public school. I'm new here myself and my baby is years away from high school, so I don't know how to advise them. They've poured over the BPN archives but are still confused. What are your votes? Never mind ''scores,'' but what do you think is the best public high school, and why? Here are some of the ways one might define ''best'': a school with a diverse student body that challenges, stimulates, and inspires. One that encourages kids to take intellectual risks and develop critical thinking skills, and that nurtures a life-long love of learning. One that has a diverse curriculum with innovative teaching, exciting classes, and artistic offerings. A school that helps the students become engaged participants in their community and to become thoughtful, caring people. They could move anywhere: Berkeley, Oakland, Piedmont, etc, maybe even in a northerly direction. Thanks! Looking forward to hearing your ideas

Berkeley High, where I went to school is excellent! I also went to private school up to 9th grade, and it's a great school.
- Good teachers
- Tons of AP classes
- Very very diverse 45% White 45% African-American 5% Asian 5% Hispanic
- Many socio-economic backgrounds, some of the wealthiest in Berkeley, along with some of the poorest.

Their children will receive way more at Berkeley High than at any other high school in the Bay Area. It's not only the education that counts but also the interaction that their children will have with other students. I can say that Berkeley High helped me way more than my time at private school. Many of my classmates went onto UC Berkeley, Davis, Santa Cruz, Cal Poly, and UCLA. It's a great place. Feel free to email me if your friends have more questions. jacob

I had to respond to the question about folks moving to the Berkeley area from Philly because my husband is from Philly. He attended Catholic Schools there. We are happy with the Berkeley Public Schools. Your friends should check out BUSD. Whether or not they are the ''best,'' well, that is for them to decide, but BUSD does offer strong academics. My daughters claim their East Coast boy cousins would feel right at home at King Middle School and Berkeley High. Your friends may contact us with questions. Tricia

BHS vs private school "real life" experience?

August 2009

Re: Public vs. private "real life" experience?
Hello to you. Wanted to share our experience. Our son went to a private K-8th grade school, and we were eager to put him into Berkeley High School come 9th grade, which we did. That was our intention all along. However, 9th grade there was a lost year for our child, at least academically. It matters which small school your student is in. The fit has to work, the whole environment has to work for your kid. It wasn't good for ours, and after a negligent response by the school administration to verbal and physical threats our kid received at the end of the year, he wanted out. He's now at CPS , so we've experienced both environments. Both schools have pros and cons and my heart was broken when we decided he needed to leave BHS. I do not believe a kid at this age needs those ''real life'' experiences we all have dragged on about. There's a level of cushy entitledness at the private high schools that makes me ill, but they get plenty of experience outside of school, and there's time after high school, too, to be involved in their communities... CPS and I'm sure others, have many wonderful volunteer programs. One might say that at this age when kids can be vicious and out of control, that the intensity of it isn't real, either, that it's endemic to the age. Frankly, it can cause some real hurt. Then again, BHS is an energized place filled with interesting kids and they're seriously trying to make a go of it there - to bring everyone together... it always comes down to who your kid is and to try to make the fit a good one, if one is able. I just don't go for that real life stuff anymore. (I'd be happy to talk with you more, let me know) g.

My husband and I both went to private high schools (not in California) and had very uneven experiences. My husband was asked to leave one school, and loved the other for its sports programs and a particular great biology teacher. I went to three different boarding schools - two of them rather insular and nasty, the third larger, with a wider range of activities and an atmosphere that is difficult to duplicate.

I haven't seen any private schools in California that compare to that school. The closest in style and opportunity would be Berkeley High. We sent both our kids to public schools because we wanted to save for college, and also because we felt we could fill in any gaps in what they received - for us in particular that was international travel, camping and wilderness experiences, occasional private tutoring, and private music lessons. We also have volunteered at their schools and made donations to the schools wherever possible. Public schools can be uneven in the quality of teachers, and rather rigid in their bureaucratic requirements, but my kids have had some extraordinarily good teachers and really good teaching in a variety of subjects. My daughter, now in college, looks back in astonishment at all she achieved in high school. Both kids are pretty confident in all sorts of situations. For them, I think we made the right choice. Berkeley High parent

Alternatives to BHS for smart middle schooler with low motivation

March 2005

I have a 13 yr old son who is currently attending Willard Middle School. He enjoys the social aspects of school but has no interest in any of his classes. He makes C's and D's sometimes F's. He is very bright scores high on standard tests, has great comprehension and will participate in class discussions with intelligent and insightful questions and answers but gives little to know effort in homework or class work. All of his teachers agree that he does not work to his potential and with little effort could be an A/B student. This is not new for him. He has displayed the same dis-interest in school since 1st grade. I have tried public and private school for him but it hasn't made any difference. He just has no interest in school and consistently does the bare minimal. I am worried about sending him to Berkeley High , even with the small schools as an option, I feel he has such little self direction and motivation that he will definately be lost and tempted to hang out in the park across from the high school. Does anyone know of any kind of alternative education for an early teen other than Independent Study or the Berkeley Alternative School?

If he participates in discussions, it doesn't sound like he is completely uninterested in school. Have you had him tested for learning disabilities? Do you think he might have an executive function problem or a reading or writing problem? What does he do in class when the other students are doing the work? That might be a clue to what's stopping him; he might have a hidden difficulty, or it might just be boring, but 'it's stupid' or 'it's boring' can often be a defensive answer when a kid finds something hard and doesn't know why. If he's picking up enough by listening and talking, to learn the material, then it sounds like he's learning everything he needs to except for improving his reading and writing skills. A couple of examples that help some kids: some people need books on tape, some need a computer to type on, or a computer to talk into, some need someone to sit down with them and get them going with their homework, maybe even sit nearby and read the whole time - sometimes after spending an hour processing homework anxiety :-{ ('I can't do it' 'Just write something; write your name' 'I can't, I just can't' 'Dictate to me; I'll type it' and on and on) In my son's case this got a lot better with a keyboard and practice; now he doesn't have the anxiety.

A friend of my son's who is super-smart but has serious organization, time management, and motivation issues did well at Arrowsmith, graduated, got into good colleges. (Lack of motivation can come from an inability to make yourself do something; it's not always lack of desire.) Good luck! anon

Try looking into these public schools, which seem to be good alternatives to a traditional high schools: Millenium High School in Piedmont, Middle College High School at Merritt College or Contra Costa College, Leadership Public Charter High School in Oakland or Richmond. -mom of a high schooler

Check into Millenium High School in Piedmont. It's free, not always easy to get into but not impossible. Works well for some kids with traits you describe in your son. The principal is a great guy and very knowledgeable and compassionate.

Why Should I Send My Child to Berkeley High?

April 2000

I have a 7th grade son in in private school. We live in Berkeley and would like to consider Berkeley High for high school when the time comes. Through this mailing list and the BHS email tree I have read every reason in the book NOT to send my son there. I understand that there are problems in every school but from what people write BHS sounds terrible. I realize that it can't be as bad as that. Please, for myself and others families in the same boat, tell us all the good things about BHS. Tell us, WHY SHOULD WE WANT TO SEND OUR CHILDREN TO BHS? Thanks in advance

We, like you, worried when our daughter was in middle school about sending her to BHS. Now that she is an eleventh grader there we are pleased on a daily basis that she is having the BHS experience. Like you, when we read the newsletter or the e-tree we sometimes cringe. But when we see how our daughter is faring we couldn't be happier. She has had fabulous teachers, teachers who are truly dedicated to the kids, who inspire them and motivate them. True, there have been some less than stellar teachers as well, and we would be thrilled to see our student in a better maintained and more esthetically pleasing physical plant. But we could not be more pleased with the development of her critical thinking, with her passion for Latin and biology, with her awareness of social and interpersonal issues, with her independence and sense of self reliance. BHS is not ideal for every kid. But for a kid who likes the challenge of a diverse and lively social and learning environment it is great. As we move closer to the time for applying to college we hear more and more about how colleges love BHS graduates and we can see why. The assets of BHS have become ever more apparent as our daughter has proceeded through her years there. Good luck. Anonymous

I asked my sons your question. The junior responded "People think BHS is still all ghetto [I think that's slang for tough or dangerous]. It hasn't been like that for 8 years. It's a cool place." He feels an almost patriotic fervor for the school.

Here's what I think: Being a student at Berkeley High School is very similar to being an undergrad at UC Berkeley. It's a very big school and the possibility exists that your kid will sink like a stone if he doesn't figure out pretty quickly how to take care of business on his own (filling out the right forms, standing in the right line, etc.) But because of its size, and its faculty and student body, there is also a much richer environment than what you will find at any other school in the area, public or private. Is your child academically oriented? There are many, many AP classes at BHS (compare to area private schools). Gifted teachers. Esoteric classes. Better computer science classes than any other school I checked. Does your child want to play a sport? How about men's *and* women's crew, rugby, basketball, lacrosse, wrestling, golf, water polo just to name a few. (By the way there is even a girl on the football team - she is the kicker and apparently a respectable one according to my jock son.) Is your kid into the arts? Music? There's a world famous jazz band, an orchestra, chamber music group, pep band, and new ones always forming like this year's Afro-Cuban percussion group. There are a number of dance groups. There are art and photography studios, a radio station, a video production studio, an excellent newspaper. There are smaller schools within the school, like CAS, and there are groups, teams, and clubs that kids gravitate to and identify with. All kinds of clubs, from the usual (chess club, which by the way I'm told beat the one from CPS last year) to the unusual (BBQ club that grills meat outdoors at lunch). There is literally something for everyone, and if your kid doesn't get excited about something at BHS, he can start up a new club. My freshman and his pals started a "skateboard video production" club. I don't know what it means, but they got a faculty sponsor and weekend check-out permissions for a video camera.

How come there are so many complaints? Because BHS is a big underfunded bureaucracy, because there are a whole lot of parents at BHS who have high expectations, and because the bigger and more complicated the machine is, the more things there are that can go wrong. There's no lack of stuff to complain about and the school sure doesn't work for every kid - just as kids get lost at UC Berkeley and drop through the cracks, so it goes at Berkeley High School too. But the machine is big, and has many admirable components, and it works amazingly well despite the broken parts. The opportunities at BHS for a kid to become engaged, to flower, to be exposed to new ideas, to both discover himself and feel part of a group - those opportunities are just far beyond what you can find anywhere else. And that is the reason there are so many of us who proudly send our kids to BHS even as we continue to gripe.

The answer according to our daughter is: If he's a large self-confident boy, he'll probably be fine. If he's small and shy, he will likely be picked on. Getting good teachers is sometimes a challenge - you have to work the system. Some of the teachers are great - maybe the best anywhere. 9th grade is probably a waste but the school has lots of AP classes. Extra-curricular activities are very good - the school has lots of sports, clubs, and other fun things to get involved in. Another good thing: because of BHS's size there are many different groups to relate to - a kid can usually find their niche. Down side: depressing facilities, arson has been a problem but less so this year, you can get stuck with crummy teachers, and the administration is a huge bureaucracy that is difficult to deal with. -- Anonymous

We chose Berkeley High for many reasons. My husband interviews applicants for his alma mater and his experience over many years is that the students from Berkeley High are far more impressive, articulate and know themselves better than the applicants he interviews from local college preps. Understand, he is not reviewing test scores, grades, etc. It is just a "get to know you" interview.

We were overwhelmed by the sense that the college preps "spoon feed" the students. They have an incredible amount of academic stress, but all else is laid out for them. At a large urban high school, kids need to gather lots of information, make decisions, and go to bat for themselves when necessary. It is a great lesson in the ways of the world that can take place 10 minutes from home with parental support, rather than away from home with no network when first attending college.

Berkeley High School is far more representative of the community we live in than the independent schools, and the teachers who are good, are great.

We understand that there are many problems, but there are also hundreds of students who love their time at BHS. We know that we will have to keep our ears and eyes open, help our child over bureaucratic hurdles, know when to say "tough it out" and when to say "you need our help." It really requires a commitment on the parts of the parents and student to keep each other informed. Anonymous

In reply to "Why should we want to send our children to Berkeley High?" Here are some reasons: the incredible variety of academic subjects offered; the incredible variety of performing arts, athletics, school clubs (organized by and for students), student newspaper, etc.offered; some great and caring teachers (along with the not-great and non-caring); the astonishing energy, passion, and knowledge of the student body; diveristy of every sort; the opportunity for your child to learn about almost anything he is interested in; the freedom to make choices; last--and by no means least--it's free (some of us don't have the option of paying for private school).

A few years back, before BHS had really entered my radar, I met a woman in a line who told me her daughter had just graduated from BHS and gone off to frica for a few months. She told me that because of her child's experience at BHS, her daughter would be informed, comfortable, knowledgeable, and "street-smart," and would be able to go anywhere in the world and have the skills to find and do anything she wanted. I can't imagine that being said of the educational experience to be had at any private (or other public) high school in this area. BHS may or may not be for your child; but you should definitely see for yourself when the time comes and not rely on what you read or hear from others (including me!) to make your decision.

Why should you send your child to Berkeley High?

I asked my AP Chemistry students (mostly sophomores) this question. Some of their answers:

  • 1) Cliques don't dominate the social life of the school.  You can find  friends who share your interests.    
  • 2) Great teachers    
  • 3) Diverse student body so you experience lots of different cultures and it better representsthe world.    
  • 4) Large variety of interesting classes    
  • 5) You learn to deal with things (difficult people, difficult bureaucracy, etc .) A lot of responsibility is put on you to become organized yourself.    
  • 6) BHS graduates know how to make thier way through difficult situations as opposed to some sheltered prep school kids.    
  • 7) Good arts program    
  • 8) Good exchange programs with local colleges    
  • 9) Colleges really like BHS graduates because they realize our graduates are well prepared for the world.    
  • 10) There is every club you could ever want:  examples:  Club Sorbet (the ice-cream eating club), DJ club, Oceanic Club, barbecue club, movie watchers club, break dance club, animation club, gay-straight alliance, renaissance club, many religious clubs    
  • 11) Widest variety of sports offerings west of the Mississippi    
  • 12) Best gym and football field in the region    
  • 13) Excellent music program 

Steve Brand, BHS Science Dept.


  • 10. Because most of us can't afford to spend our kids to private schools, like Head Royce, College Prep
  • 9. There are more kids of color than in any private school, and kids from every socio-economic background--in other words, diversity.
  • 8. Tons of activities and clubs--from Haapa to Ice Cream Lovers -- it's not just academics our kids go to school for -- the variety is far beyond what you will find at a private school.
  • 7. There are many, many sports--60 teams, 32 sports (fencing and women's rugby recently added).
  • 6. There's a great music program that produces the pep band (going to Japan this summer), the jazz band (been to Japan and Europe over the years), and performing arts/drama groups.
  • 5. There's CAS - Communications, Arts and Sciences - a program lauded by UCSC admissions (I read it in the BHS Bullettin reported by Rick Ayers, the head of CAS--28 students on the CAS list of applicants to UCSC, with 15 accepted outright--four African-Americans, four Latinos, and seven white), which leads into the fact that Rick Ayers also, along with his students, produces a great newspaper - two Berkeley High Jacket reporters were just written up in People magazine (Julia Roberts on the cover) about a story they broke ahead of all the major papers regarding the Indian landlord, Reddy, bringing young girls over from India for sex.
  • 4. Community service and political activism -- these are BHS kids who have found their voices and want to be heard for causes they believe in (currently, a Student Bill of Rights is being drawn up).
  • 3. Some excellent teachers (dedicated, stay after school for hours helping students)--many more good teachers than bad; you just hear about all the bad ones, and what complements the good teachers are some very intellectual, and challenging courses and electives offered, e.g., Intellectual Psych.
  • 2. The BHS Health Center -- complete in its services and serves the student by being able to give complete check-ups and maintains confidentiality.
  • 1. BHS has the greatest college counselor for a high school ever in Rory Bled--colleges really like BHS students (last year, 1999--four students were accepted to Harvard--percentage-wise, way above any private school acceptance). It's dynamic, creative, often chaotic, but always there and changing--teaches kids more about life and success than a safe, cocoon-like environment you might find during school hours in a private school. The real world will come to your child eventually, and Berkeley High provides a microcosm not unlike a large college or university, or urban city, more gritty than you might wish for your child. If your child stays in private school, you may feel you have less to worry about, but don't let that lull you into a sense of security -- private school students go out and drink and binge on weekends as much as, or more than, BHS kids; private school students have a high incidence of anorexia among its female students, along with the drugs, drinking and sex, and there's no health center like BHS in a private school to drop in on; everyone in a private school will know your business (these down sides to private schools were related to me by my BHS student who has partied with private school students and BHS students).


I just want to thank all of you who took the time to respond to the request for highlighting the positive features of BHS. As the parent of a child still in 5th grade, high school is a bit in the future, but not really that far away. Reading the bulletins restored my sense of why I still live in Berkeley, which can be a complicated and difficult experience a lot of the time. But this is a fantastic city and our high school is our breeding ground for people who will see to it that it remains diverse, politically and culturally active, and brilliant for the future. Thank you for reminding me why I love it here. Lisa