IEP/504 for Dyslexia

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  • My daughter is in 2nd grade at an OUSD school. She was just diagnosed with Dyslexia/Dysgraphia after private testing. The school is reluctant to do an IEP.

    She is currently reading at grade level but has a hard time spelling and writing. We started tutoring over a year ago when she was struggling at the beginning of 1st grade. She meets with the tutor 1x a week because  of time and $$$ its been hard to do more sessions.

    1. I am curious about other OUSD families dealing with Dyslexia and what type of support is possible...

    2. I'm curious about tutoring and camp options. My goal is to make sure she still gets to do some of the activities and camps she enjoys in the summer so the 5 week 1/2 day camps don't really work.


    There are many Facebook groups that can be a great resource. Also

    look up decoding dyslexics ca and many other groups. 
    Sorry to tell you that this will be a lifelong battle with the schools. It’s unfortunate but they don’t acknowledge dyslexia...

    you have to constantly keep after them. Never give up.

    bezt Tammy  

    The school legally has to do an IEP when you notify them in writing - it is federal law. Scholl districts typically resist because it costs them so much money to do the testing. My daughter did the testing in Sept at BUSD after the administration resisted it. Of course the results confirmed what we thought. She has a learning deficit (difference). It was great to have a 17 page report on how her brain works! Everyone is different. Requesting the testing now is important because you'll want to insure that accommodations are in place to insure your student's success for the next 10+ years ahead of school. The school district is under no obligation to use the results of an outside/private testing service. They have to do their OWN test and follow the results of their own test by law. The student is taken out of class for the series of tests (usually over a 3+ day period). Push hard and you will get what you need for your student, as you are your student's most important ally.

    My kids are older but are both dyslexic and both are/were OUSD students. Feel free to reach out via my username if you want to talk. 

    i Am my nephews guardian. His parents passed away but I watched my sister have to fight the Vallejo school district to get them to acknowledge his dyslexia. They would test him but not for dyslexia so they would not have to treat him. They were not able to accommodate him and eventually the school district paid for him to go to Rascob. He stayed there for a couple years and is now in Berkeley high doing great with an IEP. That time at rascob gave him skills and confidence to return to the mainstream classes. Not being effectively assisted really hurt his self esteem and love of school. I think Rascob has a summer program and some scholarships. Maureen

  • Last Friday we got a diagnosis that our son has dyslexia and ADD. I suspected in 1st grade that he had both and I was right! We went to a licensed neuro psychologist and had a full evaluation done. Now our challenge is figuring out what to do about school next year. We are in WCCUSD and my son is in 3rd grade. I have requested an IEP since we have diagnosis for two disabilities that are covered under IDEA, but I wanted to know what the experience is like for others who have children with diagnosed disabilities in WCCUSD. I have been told that even if the child has advanced grades and isn't that behind, by law, the school is required to accommodate him since he has two diagnosed disabilities that are covered under IDEA. We have also applied to two private schools, but I was told that they can discriminate against children with disabilities because they often don't have the resources to support them. So parents:

    1) What was your experience like getting an IEP?

    2) Did the IEP address all the suggested recommendations for accommodations?

    3) Did the IEP address multi-sensory education recommended for children with dyslexia?

    4) Did the district reimburse you for any tutoring with an education specialist?

    5) Do you have opinions on private versus public school for children with disabilities? We don't have unlimited funds and would most likely be unable to afford private school tuition without financial aid. 

    6) Are they any support groups for parents with children with ADD and dyslexia? This diagnosis has hit us like a brick and I'd love to be part of a supportive community than can provide guidance. 

    Thanks all. 

    Hi there.  My kid has had 3 assessments and 2 IEPs through WWCUSD. That's a lot of questions.  Please PM me and we can talk.  

    Hi there! My son got the same diagnosis a little earlier. We are in BUSD, so can't give you guidance in your district, but I can say that we followed the advice from DREDF ( and got an IEP meeting right away. The IEP itself was not the greatest (i think they never are) - I find that our school district "experts) have total lack of training in both ADD and dyslexia. But what really helped was:

    1) Contacting DREDF

    2) Getting a private, outside educational therapist (you can ping me to get the info for the one we use - it is kind of hard to find one). This therapist can help your kid w/ literacy, executive functioning, and self advocacy. This is really the best thing we ever did. Our son has seen her for 2-3 times a school week for years. 100% worth it!

    3) Retroactively asking the school district to reimburse us (with a lawyer's help)

    Unless your child is really severely dyslexic, I think the therapeutic schools (like Raskob) may not be a fit. Lots of people suggested Charles Armstrong but it's so far away and super expensive, so we didn't even consider it. 

    I attended one meeting of Decoding Dyslexia and it depressed me -- there were only a few parents and as I remember they were all homeschooling (not an option for me). 

    CHADD is a good organization for ADD. Sometimes there are good lectures at Holy Names - It's really important to look at research rather than other people's opinions about your kid's LD - staying informed is great! Feel free to ping me.

    FYI, it hasn't always been easy but my son is now 12 and in 7th grade and reads at grade level and has excellent reading comprehension skills! ADHD has proven to be more of a liability in school but this year, he's showing a lot of maturity and making friends and communicating well and even starting a club at (public) school. 

    It helps to put a request for an IEP in writing because it will let the district know that you are aware of your child's rights.  I would read Wright's Law website and use one of their sample letters for requesting the meeting.  Be prepared to fight for services for dyslexia if your son is at or above grade level.  School districts often deny services for children who are not showing academic weaknesses compared to their classmates.   It's possible that things will go smoothly but If you have difficulty getting a response from the school district you might want to hire an advocate to assist with the process.  Some school districts provide services for private school students but most do not.  Increasingly, private schools are employing learning specialists to help students with disabilities.  I hope this helps.  

    Our daughter was diagnosed with ADHD at the end of first grade.  We put her on Adderal, which helped tremendously, and go her weekly tutoring.  She continued to have problems, so in sixth grade we had a neuropsych exam at UC that showed elements of LD as well as slow processing.  She was in private school from pre-K through 8th grade, and is now at Berkeley High.

                Private schools are under no requirement to accommodate, and have limited resources to do so.  Even if your child is accepted, he may not get much help.  While I think we did OK at our kid's private school, other parents whose kids have ADHD were deeply dissatisfied.  If you go with public schooling, you can use some of the money saved for tutoring, which has helped us a lot.  On the flip side, private-school small class size and personal attention can be helpful.  It may boil down to which private versus which public school you're looking at.  My kid's public-school teachers are every bit as dedicated and individually supportive as the private-school ones were.  There are private schools focused on kids with learning issues, locally including Raskob (

                Re IEPs: we thought our daughter qualified for an IEP, but we ended up with a 504.  I had also read what various websites said was the law, but Berkeley schools at this point operate under a newer, perfectly legal achievement-based standard, and our kid simply wasn't that far behind even though she was achieving well below her IQ-based capacity.  In an ideal world, smart kids with learning issues would get instruction that addresses both the smarts and the disabilities, but public schools really don't have the resources.  Public schools are required to educate kids with a huge range of profound disabilities, and that sets the level for special ed.  So far we have been fine with a 504, though now that we aren't paying tuition we plan to increase the tutoring.  We haven't gotten any financial support for outside tutoring, and frankly, if your son is not profoundly disabled, he isn't likely to be deemed eligible.

                Applying for an IEP entails doing a new set of tests much like the neuropsych evaluation you have already gotten, though they will use different tests, and will base their decision on the tests they administer.  Our kid looked less disabled based on their tests compared to the neuropsych evaluation.  The IEP meeting will be stacked against you, in that there will be five or six of them and maybe two of you attending the meeting, and they are a lot more experienced at this than you are.  If you go this route, pay attention to the various time-lines and all the other bureaucratic details.

                A good resource regarding legal issues is the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (  Another good resource is WrightsLaw,  I strongly recommend subscribing to Attention Research Update,, which summarizes current ADHD research in clear terms -- free, and no ads.

    Our son had an IEP through WCCUSD for about 3 years for a variety of conditions, including ADHD. He had a 504 before, and "graduated" to an IEP when speech became a bigger challenge in class. He has since graduated out of his IEP and has a 504 again for the ADHD and anxiety accommodations. If you haven't already contacted DREDF, you should for guidance for your specific situation. We were very happy with the speech services my son got, saved us tons of money and helped him greatly; also his speech therapist ended up acting as his "quarterback"/advocate for the ADHD accommodations. It is very helpful to find a champion within the school or district. We never found ourselves in an adversarial position with any of the staff, it was more like his grades were good so they wanted to write less in at the time and "wait until he needed it". (We prevailed in putting in the kitchen sink when it came to accommodations.) In answer to your specific questions based on our recent/current experience in WCCUSD:

    1) Basically fine, we all agreed he needed an IEP for speech. (He was incomprehensible.) The 504 was also easy to get with a letter from an MD.

    2) Yes. The problem is not all staff at the school know about it. For example, my son had an accommodation that he could eat lunch outside instead of in the crowded noisy cafeteria. Well, the janitor came along and yelled at him to go inside.

    3) Don't have any first-hand experience with dyslexia.

    4) No, nor would I think they would. They have specialists for everything in-district in big districts like WCCUSD. Education specialists are not licensed professionals so I wouldn't waste my time asking for that, but hey, maybe DREDF can speak to this more.

    5) Public school has worked out great for our special ed kid. I can't speak to private.

    6) I am aware of CHADD's FB page. I believe Kaiser has some relevant support groups for its members.