4-H Clubs

Parent Q&A

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  • Experience with Wildcat 4-H

    Nov 16, 2017

    Hi! I'm wondering if anyone could give me feedback on the Wildcat 4-H program out here in West Contra Costa, especially for younger ages (or even any other local 4-H chapter). We have been looking for groups with leadership, outdoor, science, and citizenship opportunities or my second grade son and although he has friends in the local Cub Scouts, I am not thrilled with BSA. I also would prefer something co-ed so my daughter can participate when she is a little older. Did you feel like this 4-H group was a worthwhile experience? How much time commitment was involved? What sorts of projects did you find rewarding or not? How was the gender balance, and did you feel it was an inclusive organization with opportunities for a variety of children? Really looking for any personal experience. Thanks!

    No responses received.

Hello! Check out Emeryville 4-H! It is AWESOME and they are super welcoming of new members. My daughter participated for a few years and we were super impressed with the club-- interesting and fun projects, monthly meetings run by students, great community. 4-H is all about youth empowerment through experiences where kids learn by doing. The club strives to create a fun, engaging and valuable experience for kids and families. Happy to answer any questions you have. The club is winding now as the school year ends and will be back in September. When they meet in person, it's usually at the Emeryville campus of EBI or Lake Temescal. Some meetings are also on Zoom right now. Have fun!


I would check out the local 4-H chapters. The Emeryville 4-H is having it's kick off meeting on MON 9/17 at EBI school. They have so many project that you're bound to find something 'enriching' for your 2nd grader.... Thx


Have you considered 4-H?  It offers activities for both girls and boys, and there is almost no fund-raising involved.  You did not specify location but there are several clubs in the East Bay.  As a mom of a girl and boy, joining two different scouting troops seems like an inefficient use of my very limited time. 



Archived Q&A and Reviews


4H or other animal opportunities for 8 year old?

Sept 2012

My 8 year old daughter loves animals and would love to volunteer with them in some capacity. I do know there's a Montclair 4H and did a little online research into it, but would love to hear anyone's recent experience. I'm worried 4H may be too much of a time commitment. Also, from what I read, at least when it comes to the pigs, they end up in the slaughterhouse. I don't think she'd be into that as a final outcome!

So am wondering if there's another program that involves feeding chickens or goats once a week, for instance. It would be great if there were some education involved as well as some hands-on experience. We live in Berkeley. Thanks for any ideas! my kid loves animals

My husband and I and our daughter have had a wonderful experience with Montclair 4H. Our daughter started out in the Rabbitry Project with one little Netherland dwarf rabbit. Amy-bunny didn't require a huge time commitment on our part and our daughter learned to be responsible for her care. She learned to show Amy-bunny in rabbit showmanship at the Alameda County Fair, did bunny dress-up at the Fair for a few years and as she became more knowledgeable, participated in ''Rabbit Bowl'' (think old ''College Bowl'' only about rabbits). This summer she worked at the Fair in the Small Animal Barn. She learned so much about how to work with rabbits and with people, too. She was also involved for a year in the Goat Project and learned a lot in that project, as well.

4H is part of the UC Cooperative Extension and has a very good curriculum for their various projects. Project leaders are typically parents in Montclair 4H (though you don't have to be a leader to join). All leaders must go through a security and background check before they can become a project leader. In addition to animal projects, there are science, cooking-related and textile-related (knitting/sewing) projects, as well. The types of projects offered in any given year depends on what expertise an adult has and who has time to lead a project. Yes, in the Swine Project the pigs make a one-way trip to the Fair but you and your child do not have to be a part of this project. 4H also provides fabulous leadership opportunities that provide enrichment outside school. There's Presentation Day, when children make a short presentation on a topic that's typically related to their project (but isn't limited to that). In projects, the older kids typically either lead or co-lead projects along with the adults and act as mentors to the younger children in that project. Our daughter benefited from that mentoring and learned about giving back as she grew older. 4H teaches children more than about a specific animal or subject area, it teaches children what it means to be a responsible team player and good citizen.

Meetings are once a month at the Montclair Rec Center and they are very organized and well-run by the elected student officers. The adult leaders (Carla and Tina spend a lot of their time) meet w/ the officers a week before the monthly meeting to set the agenda and help ensure the organization runs smoothly. There is typically a community service project, as well, e.g. working at the Alameda County Food Bank, donating gently used warm jackets, etc. We became involved with 4H since our daughter was 10 (she is now 18) and found it a very rewarding experience. Peggy K T

Editor note: replies were also received for Volunteer Jobs Working with Animals

4H group for 13yo in Oakland or Alameda?

Oct 2011

Hi, Wondering if there is a 4H group near Alameda. Either Oakland or Alameda. My 13 y/o daughter is interested in joining.

There is a 4-H group in Montclair. Unfortunately, the deadline to register for this group was at last night's meeting. There is another group in San Leandro, East Hills 4-H, google them. 4-H Mom

Montclair 4H - the meet at the Montclair Rec. Center. We have not been personally involved but a huge group of my kids friends participate and love it! Maggie

About 4H, my daughter did the Montclair group for a couple of years, and as a family with a single, working parent, it just didn't work for us. It is a great group with hard- working, engaged, lovely members, but it is very much geared to those with a SAHP; meeting times can vary and often one gets short notice for meetings and events, many of which happen during after-school hours (aka work hours). It's all volunteer, so I'm not dissing, but our experience was that it didn't work without a SAHP. I hear the club in Marin (San Rafael?) confines its meetings, even project meetings, to Monday nights. That is second-hand info, but it might be worth a look. Have fun! Nancy

I met some nice young women from the Montclair 4-H club at this weekend's Maker Faire: Montclair 4-H Club Location: Montclair Recreation Center, 6300 Moraga Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611 Meeting: 1st Monday @ 6:30 pm Contact: Carla Bossieux and Tina Popenuck at 525-4156 and 339-7077 carlab2001 [at] earthlink.net, tinapop [at] earthlink.net If you just Google 4-H and put in your zipcode you will get a listing of all of the clubs in Alameda County. I took the time to look this up for you because I was in 4-H in Wisconsin as a kid - great experience. Mary in Oakland.

My son just joined the Lamorinda 4-H club. I believe the cut-off for this year was the end of last month but you may still be able to join. They meet once a month every 3rd Thursday from 7-8pm in Lafayette. In addition your daughter will participate in 1 or more projects of her choosing. The project meetings are usually once or twice a month, often on weekends where they do a hands on activity. May be too far for you but check out their website http://www.ca4h.org/ - there are several clubs in the bay area. Teresa