Women's OBGYN / Integrative medicine / Perimenopause

Hi, I hope to get some guidance or recommendations for finding a doctor to help with hormonal imbalances, especially with perimenopausal symptoms. I came across Dr. Sara Gottfried's work and her book The Hormone Cure and other titles. I see she used to be located in Oakland but has since moved to another State ( and her client rates are far more than I can afford!). If you're not familiar with her work, she looks at women's health beyond typical mainstream doctors to look at women's health in a more integrated approach - such as recommending more supplements, lifestyle choices, and diet recommendations, as well as combining traditional Western medicine. Do you know of any similar doctors in the field or her team at the Integrative Health office when she was based in Oakland? I hope to find someone in the network. Thank you!

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I cross-listed in-network doctors with the list in the link below, and found a very knowledgeable doctor in the Kaiser network. Hope it helps!



Thank you! I appreciate the link.