Where to donate - massive toy give-away

I have 7 big boxes of toys to donate - we cleaned out my teenage son's room and the haul is shocking. Games, toys, marbles and marble maze, legos, nerf guns, toy cars, and so much more. Would like to donate it all to a nonprofit or school or organization or resource that serves kids in need. Recommendations welcome. Thanks. 

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Someone this week told me about the Oakland Elizabeth House, a transition home for women in need and their children. URL: http://www.oakehouse.org/

White Pony Express is a fantastic organization in Contra Costa County that holds "Free General Store" events for low-income communities, including toys, clothes and household goods.  You can find out more about them here at www.whiteponyexpress.org.

Harbor House in East Oakland might be interested.

Harbor House Ministries
1811 11th Ave. Oakland, CA 94606
Phone: (510) 534-0165
Fax: (510) 865-2647

If they are in good condition and have all the parts, try Bambino. They are located on College Ave by Broadway. It's a thrift shop for Oakland's, Children Hospital. 

Community impact lab. It's a nonprofit started and run by moms (mostly in San Leandro). They collect baby gear (car seats, blankets, etc) and toddler/kid toys, then make care packages to give directly to refugee and low income moms/families. They also get together every month to cook a massive meal for a domestic violence shelter (the moms all donating different ingredients). They use donations to run garage sales, too, to grow the group. Lastly, they do community-building stuff oriented towards families (called learning "labs"). The idea of impact L-A-B is that a rising tide Lifts All Boats. The best way to get in touch is Facebook, though I think they just got a website up. 

We always donate to the Bananas boutique: http://bananasbunch.org/donate/other-ways-to-give/

Brighter Beginnings, located in Oakland and Richmond, serves kids 0-5 and their families. Takes clothes, gear and toys. The donations go directly to the families, who are most all low income. Great organization, and they will provide a donation receipt, too!

Playland Not at the Beach, on San Pablo Avenue in El Cerrito, a non-profit, may take some of those items to use as prizes in its carnival arcade. It's a neat place with a unique mission.