TK enrollment for August 30 birthday?

Has anyone heard of a Walnut Creek/ MDUSD elementary that allows kids to enroll in TK if they are born before Sept 2? My son will turn 5 on August 30, 2018 and is therefore technically supposed to enroll in kindergarten next year. One of his pre-school teachers told me that if an elementary school has extra space in their TK classes, they will often allow kids with August and July birthdays enroll. Has anyone heard of this happening? And if so, which schools? I am on the fence as to whether he will be ready for kindergarten next year and was thinking this could be a good middle of the road option.  Thanks in advance for any thoughts or information! 

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As the parent of two fall birthday kids who researched TK extensively, I believe the info you got from the teacher is probably correct, although having "space available" isn't something you can count on. My out of range son was offered a spot in a district TK program the day before school started, but we ended up declining it and doing kindergarten, for which he was (and remains) the youngest in the cohort (it's been fine, someone's got to be the youngest!). My daughter did do TK two years later, and almost all the boys in her TK class were much less ready for a structured school environment than the girls. I'd say chat with your son's preschool teacher next spring, and consider their input before getting into it with the district. (who will not be able to tell you much until August anyway)