Vacation destination with preschooler activities?

Are there vacation type spots within a day's drive that have activities for preschool age kids so that they can get their play time in for the day, away from their boring parents? One model for this is Tahoe, where the kids can go to all day ski school - are there other places around here that have a similar structure? We would love to get away for a bit, especially during all the school holiday weeks that are coming up, but know our only child will probably want more in the way of activities than this tired mom can provide on her own. Thanks for any recommendations!

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I don't know of an option like this during the school year, but for summer, family camp is a great option. There are a bunch - Cal's Lair of the Bear, Berkeley and Oakland city family camps, you can search on here for more info about each one. We have been to Lair of the Bear and Feather River and both were great but pretty different from each other. The kids' activities during the day are the big sell - kids go off and do fun things, you get to relax! It isn't a full day, they typically have a couple of hours in the morning and then you meet for lunch, then a couple of hours in the afternoon.