Thoughts on Kids in Motion for young students?

Hi all -- Would anyone with experience with enrolling a kindergartener in Kids in Motion be willing to share their thoughts on the experience? Our child will be starting TK at John Muir in the fall and we're curious how Kids in Motion has been working for the youngest kids, who might need more support and supervision, as well as separate play space from the older kids. Also curious to hear about the personalities and skillfulness of the program staff, how much structure (if any) there is, what kinds of activities are on offer for the kids, and the extent to which the program utilizes screens. Thank you! 

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The specific things you're asking about, we didn't find them at Kids in Motion.  BUSD has a problem in that it can't provide aftercare for all the students who need/want it which is why/how we ended up at Kids in Motion.  Happy to discuss further.