Swim Camp for 5 year old

We are looking for either in depth swim lessons or swim camp this summer for our 5 year old. Any leads on camps or pools in the Berkeley/ Oakland areas that offer this? 

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St. Paul's School in Oakland runs a summer camp program and this year is offering daily swim lessons as an "add-on" to the camps for younger kids. They use the pool at the Oakland YMCA, which is near the camp, and lessons are taught by the school's swim teacher (since during the school year, they offer swimming as part of PE). You might need to call to see which weeks the swim lessons are offered, though, since I don't think it's every week. (And despite the name, neither the school nor the camp is religious.)


My kids all learned and perfected their swimming at the Cal summer camps. http://camps.berkeley.edu/ The camp for 5 year olds is called Explorer Camp, and they say on their FAQ there are daily swimming lessons for Explorer Camp. Not sure if they still have openings though!