Summer Teen Volunteer Opportunities - ARC or other?

I'm looking for volunteer opportunities for my teen for the summer. In particular we were looking at doing volunteer work with the American Red Cross (ARC). I'm having a hard time getting some clear information, however. I think they allow teens to be volunteers if a parent signs off on it or something, but there's kind of confusing information on training that needs to be completed. And it's not clear to me what has to be done on line versus in person or where to do it. I thought about going down to the office in Oakland, but Yelp doesn't have the greatest reviews about that office and the help there. Anyone have any suggestions on good places for teens to volunteer for the summer or even better would be experiences with their teens volunteering with ARC? Thanks.

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Try a local hospital? Not sure where you're located but they usually have volunteers for helping talk to patients, cleaning, greeting patients, front desk, etc.