Summer 2024 Camp ideas in/near Berkeley

Hello I have a 5 year old and need to find care/camps in Berkeley or Albany for all of June and July. Thx for your advice!!

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My main recommendation is to pick one camp for as many of those weeks as possible. I think (with hindsight now as the parent of teens) it is very difficult on 5 and 6 year olds to switch camps every week even if the parents think it will be more "fun". I wish I'd been attuned to that when my kids were little.

In terms of what I'd recommend for a 5 year old, I think Monkey Business is quite chill and welcoming, with also lots of movement and activity. The big city-run camps are always, always chaotic and staffer quality varies greatly. I consider them a better choice for 8+, who are signed up with existing friends.

Monkey Business has 2 and 3-week sessions in Tilden Park and registration is open now. Lawrence Hall of Science has 2-week sessions, also open now. I found a cool camp that my art-obsessed 5 yo will be going to for a week, called Camp 510. That also opened for registration this week. Cal camps open next week, I believe, and I have heard from a few friends that their kids loved the Explorer camp at Strawberry Canyon. Good luck!